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I hope Apple segments their phones and makes smaller screens as well. I want something small enough that it practically disappears in my pocket. My ideal phone would be the size of a 4th-gen iPod Nano.[1]

Business-wise, large screens make a lot of sense. Most people want them. They're great for people with poor eyesight, especially older people who won't admit they need bifocals. Women usually carry purses, so comfortably fitting in a small pocket isn't an issue. And of course, larger screens look better side-by-side. A lot of consumers are enticed by the immediate appeal of a larger screen. They forget they'll have to lug around a heavier phone that is harder to hold.

I've looked around, but I haven't been able to find any smartphone that's as small as an iPod Nano. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.

1. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IPod_Nano_4G_black_c...

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