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I'm not saying big screen is for everyone. I'm simply pointing out how stubborn and blind they were.

They were not defending small screen. They were basically saying big screen is useless, stupid, and bad fit for your hand if you are normal human.

Oh well.

it is a bad fit for your hand if you're a normal human

I am over 6 feet and I can't hit the corners of my nexus 5 with a single hand. I've had to rearrange app icons on my home screen to be able to switch between spotify and google maps while driving. For a 5' tall person probably the top inch of the phone -- notably where the status screen comes from -- is inaccessible with one hand.

Personally, I'll never use a smaller phone again. I use a lot less of my tablet since getting my nexus 5; in practice, it's big enough that reading on it doesn't suck.

Please - don't hold your phone while driving. It's incredibly dangerous for you and other people on the road.

If you absolutely have to interact with your phone while also steering a couple of tonnes of metal around, please spend a couple of bucks on a dashboard holder.

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