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The last time this appeared on HN (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5700562), I tracked down some of the citations:

>The social experience that most reliably predicted whether an HIV-positive gay man would die quickly, Cole found, was whether or not he was in the closet.

Cole, Steve W., et al. "Elevated physical health risk among gay men who conceal their homosexual identity." Health Psychology 15.4 (1996): 243. http://cancer-network.org/media/pdf/cancer_gay_men_disclosur...

>While Cole discovered that loneliness could hasten death in sick people, Cacioppo showed that it could make well people sickā€”and through the same method: by putting the body in fight-or-flight mode.

Cacioppo, John T., et al. "Loneliness and Health: Potential Mechanisms." Psychosomatic Medicine 64 (2002): 407-417. http://ccutrona.public.iastate.edu/psych592a/articles/Caciop...

>A longitudinal study of more than 8,000 identical Dutch twins found that, if one twin reported feeling lonely and unloved, the other twin would report the same thing 48 percent of the time.

Boomsma, Dorret I., et al. "Longitudinal genetic analysis for loneliness in Dutch twins." Twin Research and Human Genetics 10.2 (2007): 267-274. http://psychology.uchicago.edu/people/faculty/cacioppo/jtcre...

Finally, you may be interested in tokenadult's comment on twin studies: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5701565. An excerpt:

>The article's explanation of "heritability" of human behavioral traits is poor. For four years now, I've had regular in-person interaction with a "journal club" of researchers and graduate students who are deeply involved in the Minnesota Twin Study...Your attribution of causes for human differences (e.g., human differences in IQ) is also heritable. Your opinion about regulation of the Internet is heritable. Everything about human behavior is heritable, including the tendency to loneliness mentioned in the interesting article submitted here.

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