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I'm stuck on set 1 challenge 4, detecting single-character XOR. I know how the cipher works, having solved challenge 3, but when I brute-forced all 327 hex strings in their challenge data with each of the 256 possible one-byte keys, none of them deciphered to anything like English. I suspect a typo in their data, since one line -- 1c3df1135321a8e9241a5607f8305d571aa546001e3254555a11511924 -- actually has 58 hex digits, not 60. Has anyone else run into this problem?

Edit: Of course I would solve this right after a post saying I can't. I was only looking at the (string, key) pairs which deciphered to all-printable plain text, but forgot that \r, \n, and \t count as printable ASCII characters.

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