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First Palm Pre App Rejection (precentral.net)
3 points by allenbrunson on Sept 10, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

It will be interesting to see how Palm deals with the sorts of issues that have upset iPhone developers so much.

Well so far I'd have to give them 10/10 for their handling of this issue. Palm's response (below) is incredibly refreshing.


NaNPlayer is using APIs that are currently private because they will change significantly in a future release. Although we aren't able to support the functionality that JC needs right now, we are listening to the community to help prioritize which APIs and features we put into webOS.

While we can’t accept NaNPlayer into the App Catalog right now, we are not rejecting it, and we are happy for it to continue life as a homebrew application until we get to the point where we can release public, supportable APIs for the functionality that it requires.

    Chuq Von Rospach
    Palm Developer Community Manager

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