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Painting in Clojure (tombooth.co.uk)
212 points by speednoise on Aug 8, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Hi I am the author of this post,

I'm going to be knocking around if anyone has any questions, as I think you all deserve a finished post.

If anyone wants to contribute or have a look at the code it is all hosted at https://github.com/tombooth/painting-in-clojure


This is great. I imagine similar tutorials for sounds/music can resonate with different folks.

Clojure has a seriously fun live-coding-oriented music library called Overtone, if you're interested :) https://overtone.github.io/

I love this! I made a project for executing Sol LeWitt's instructional art in JavaScript (but any language is great): https://github.com/wholepixel/solving-sol

Did not realize it used math to simulate paint hitting the canvas like that! I like the research that went into this. Pretty neat stuff.

This is my take at drawing in Clojure:


An infographic showing voting in some elections in Moscow, and presumed violations thereof.

One pixel - one vote. One blob - one voting comission. Had to learn to draw circles of a given area.

I like the fact that it uses Processing to do this.

The right tool for art.

Most likely by way of Quil (https://github.com/quil/quil). Using quil in your ide of choice is a dream and a remarkable improvement over the native processing env in terms of interactivity with the sketch.

It does indeed use Quil and was really happy to see there recent (May of this year) addition of ClojureScript support. It is a great library and made building up this tutorial great fun using the repl.

> This truly was an amazing place. Here, dreams and reality had been drawn together - all in one Process. "_Why would I ever leave?" he barked with joy! _Why indeed!

Is this implying that this framework was the work of _why the lucky stiff, or is it just some kind of reference to him? The description does very much seem like his style.

Just a reference, but the style is intended to emulate _why.

Quil came from clj-processing, and the relevant discussion about naming is here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/clj-proce...

(I wasn't involved, I just remember things)

I think this will be a hoot to play with my cousin starting out. Clojure is a bit more elegant than processing's language, but with the awesome ease of drawing of the processing frame work.

And the documentation's purple prose is just fantastic!

If you like processing, checkout p5.js[0] (released on HN yesterday) which is a pure javascript port with some other differences[1].

The main goal of Processing.js is to execute Processing files in HTML5, but not necessarily to write native HTML5. It supports a mixed syntax of Processing and JavaScript, where the JavaScript is not really meant to be consumed by the end-user. Processing.js is a port of Processing to JS, using regex to convert Java into JS. It is a good tool for those that want to run simple sketches on the web, however, it is quite opaque. It can be difficult for someone to understand how it works, how to fix things when it doesn't work, or how to modify or extend the library. As Processing.js says on their website, "it's not magic, but almost."

[0] - http://p5js.org/

[1] - https://github.com/lmccart/p5.js#how-is-this-different-than-...

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