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How Microsoft dragged its development practices into the 21st century (arstechnica.com)
170 points by amaks on Aug 6, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 128 comments

(Note, speaking for myself, not Microsoft!)

Pretty good article, only some minor inaccuracies.

Things I noticed:

1) Private offices are nowhere near gone. Some teams have "gone team room" (TFS), some have not (Roslyn). I've worked in both and personally don't care either way, but there are a number of people who heavily favor one or the other.

2) Visual Studio is technically a team, yes, but there are thousands of devs working on it. I think of my team as Managed Languages (Roslyn), not VS.

3) Development strategy is a continuous process and one we're still currently engaged in. We haven't just decided that this is the new process and we're not changing it again.

Oh, and some personal feelings: tooling isn't really mentioned in this article but it may be the most important. TFS and other teams have developed some quite good tools that help with the workflow considerably. If every dev is wasting time messing with bad tools, that's a huge amount of dev time wasted as an organization.

[author here]

You know, I should have written about that a bit more. It makes sense in retrospect, I didn't even think about it at the time, even after leading off with the problems of the VS2010 cycle.

But, yes. If one looks at how VS and TFS have evolved, it's been very clear that there must have been some internal customer who really wanted to use them for scrum (no external customer would ever be that influential). The last few releases, not to mention the VS2012/2013 quarterly(ish) updates have all had an emphasis on improving this aspect of the products.

Accordingly, they seem to have become pretty decent, and this has no doubt helped teams change how they work.

I would argue that you were right when you wrote:

> Even as Microsoft stuck to its waterfalls internally, Visual Studio was used by third-party developers who themselves wanted to use agile methods, creating pressure on the Developer Division to build better support for these approaches.

These features are definitely being driven by external customers. (Disclaimer: I work on the TFS team, in particular on the Version Control team, so I can speak to the changes in version control throughout the years.)

TFS was initially conceived as a mix of the tools for software development (version control, issue tracking, continuous integration) that were heavily influenced by the tools already in use at Microsoft to build (say) Windows and Office. That's why the version control component in the first version of TFS was a checkout/edit/checkin model. Clunky, yes, but scalable to the sizes of the codebases that we wanted to support internally. That's also why the work item tracking is crazily flexible in ways that are barely comprehensible to mortals, it was meant to adapt to the different development practices that go on around these parts. So TFS 2005 looked a lot like the development tools that existed within Microsoft at the time, and it was really aimed at "influential" internal customers.

And that's great, but most of our customers outside of these walls don't have crazy multi-gigabyte source trees and the same checkout/edit/checkin model that's so useful for a code base the size of Visual Studio is an unnecessary annoyance if you've got a much smaller or more modular code base. And if you have a dodgy network connection or you travel alot, it's downright problematic. So bringing an edit/merge/commit model ("local workspaces") and a DVCS (Git) to the party were truly about growing and adapting TFS for our customers, who tend to be a little lighter weight and more agile than we are.

I don't know. My understanding is that external customer requests on TFS are ranked higher than internal requests. As in internal feature requests related to agile and scrum that would have made other teams life much easier have in the past been explicitly refused because they were unsure of how well it translated into the needs of the retail consumers.

External requests might have motivated the initial foray into supporting agile processes, but it's internal users that make it worth a damn, IMO.

My view is that you can't develop effective general purpose application software without an internal customer, because until you have that internal customer, you can't meaningfully dogfood it, and you can't get the feedback loop tight enough.

Take, for example, WPF. WPF addressed a real need, I think; developers wanted a decent GUI stack (which Win32/WinForms/MFC/whatever just ain't), and long term, Microsoft wanted something amenable to 3D acceleration and DPI increases. Great.

Except that for the longest time, WPF was deeply problematic for any major application. Problems around text handling and performance were the biggies. Microsoft had no real internal customer for WPF. Some of the Blend apps used it, but they (now discontinued) were never a critical part of Microsoft's day-to-day operation.

When did WPF get good? When an important application (Visual Studio 2010) started using it, and made clear that hey, something needs to be done about that text rendering and performance.

I think there are quite a few little corners of Microsoft's software in a similar boat. The new-to-Vista sound card/audio APIs were plainly not fit for purpose in their original form, but nobody in Microsoft noticed, because nobody in Microsoft was actually using them. Late in the development cycle the APIs were updated (adding notifications when a buffer was nearly empty) to make them usable, but it created a troublesome driver situation for a year or more post-release.

With the internal customer, the feedback becomes much more immediate. Microsoft's customers don't get to see every 3 week cycle. Internal customers do.

When the developers are using the very product they're developing, this becomes better still; there's an implicit understanding of what the thing should do, and how it needs to be better. This becomes institutional knowledge, and it likely never even manifests as an explicit request. It doesn't have to. The implicit understanding of how customers are using the software and not just what they want but _why_ they want it is sufficient to ensure proper and effective implementation of their requests.

Tools is so huge! It is one of those sort of "intangible" assets of a large company, what is the quality (and projected future quality) of their tools...

Poor tools decisions or tool apathy (for example, not enough funding to the tools teams) can shackle entire divisions of the company.

Google is famous for a tooling strategy that has paid off in spades. Reading about their RCS, build, and testing infrastructure is like reading an overly optimistic science fiction novel; it can't be that great right?

I take it you've only read about these tools, and not actually had to face them.

Yes, but I've heard good things from those that actually use them. Preforce mated to GFS, lightning quick check outs and builds that work lazily, you can make a change to the code base even if you don't own it, and code review requests will be sent out automatically as well as tests run to ensure you didn't break...Google.

The tools are world-class. But as soon as you use them, it is also obvious how far away they are from perfection. So I think you'll always here about how great they are from the outside, and grumbling from all the people who use them on the inside.

They are really great, and they really do make a difference though.

I've had to face them; they are really damn good. I've never seen anything better.

Much like Churchill's characterization of democracy, Google's build and test tools are the worst, except for all the other ones.

I think the old review system ( i think they've changed it since I left ) killed the internal tooling story. No one gets 1s or excelleds for maintaining an existing tool. They get a boost for pushing out a good enough tool and then they move on to something else rather than focusing on incremental improvements. Because those don't play well into your annual review.

I think my pet peeve at Microsoft was that the tooling, TFS included just wasn't that good for agile development. I mean you can see SD smothered all across TFS and while SD was nice for it's time it's grossly inferior to github/mercurial in every regard other than supporting massive codebases.

There's also in my opinion a huge problem in that what sort of technology you can use is severely restricted by what Microsoft makes. I'd get push back for asking for a license for something like reflector (yes we had a ilasm dissambler but it was horrible) let alone something like recommending using selenium instead of some horrible, under maintained internal solution.

Then there are just the utterly ridiculous political restrictions on the development pipeline. "Oh you have to use Razzle or CoreXT instead of TFS because even though you're a html5 website with SOA components your team is technically part of windows and they use Razzle."

You know, in 2003 we (I'm the original author of CoreXT) had some attempts at a serious discussion of merging CoreXT + Razzle and whatever the VS team was doing. I was told "Windows is too big" and "Visual Studio is built for a different customer than Microsoft developers" and the "future is Team System".

Here we are 10 years later ...

Hey! I was the one running the build environment stuff in VS at the time.

IIRC, CoreXT didn't handle some really oddball scenarios we had that involved self-hosted compilers and runtimes. e.g., rerunning the build with the compiler you just built or just the runtime you just built, or...

We were also trying to shift as much of the managed parts of the stack as possible to using MSBuild natively, which required a custom local runtime build to support asmmeta (which rudi and I created to solve the circular build dependencies in managed libraries in VS).

We were also using subtly different versions of build.exe whose parallel build support and support for scenarios with files over 2^31 bytes differed in non-trivial ways.

In the end, I think I stole everything I liked in CoreXT (which was a lot!) but we couldn't really adopt the workflow without breaking basic requirements that VS had that nobody outside of a compiler toolchain really sees.

(BTW, I apologize if some of this is off. Like you pointed out, this is more than 10 years ago.)


First, say hi when in NYC, dblock at dblock dot org.

I think workflow, spirit and approach are the real deal. Everything else is just software :-)

The title is eye-catching and the writer has a good writing style, but I see a lot of problems with the headline as well as the content

- Microsoft's private offices were an innovation in the 80s/90s, cramming large numbers of worker bees into a single large office is a retrogressive step, not a 21st century innovation

- The writers focus is on Visual Studio, but a number of other teams had switched to agile much earlier. I worked in Windows Live Mobile in when we switched to "agile" in 2004. This wasn't being dragged into anything, it was a relatively early adoption

- Software projects do often get delayed, but not always. I was one of the dev-leads who worked on Office XP in the 90s and though we had a long ~3year, ship cycle, we did ship on the original planned shipped date (RTM 3/2/1) Steven Sinofsky deserved a lot of credit for that.

>I worked in Windows Live Mobile in when we switched to "agile" in 2004. This wasn't being dragged into anything, it was a relatively early adoption

What kind of "agile" were you practicing? I don't know about "Windows Live Mobile", but until recently the remnants of Windows Live were pretty much all in a waterfall-esque model: Multi-month milestones with 6-8 weeks each of planning, coding, and stabilization. This was better than 3-year cycles, but I would hardly call it agile. I guess on the full spectrum it's more agile.

no one likes the open floors. yet, the articles and scrum proponents keep talking as if open floors.

I suppose somebody, somewhere, prefers them. I'd like to see hard numbers for/against though. I suspect it's more a way to justify a decision someone else has already made for their own reasons.

I'm curious about the common belief that private offices are better. Here's an article that suggests private offices might not be better. Do the two ideas fit together or do you just not believe the article (I didn't see any research sited)


I would stab someone for a private office.

Getting interrupted every 15 minutes while trying to get my head wrapped around some difficult bug fixes makes work virtually impossible.

For every startup I've had, I do all my work from home in my own office. Once a day meetings to go over issues, strategy, etc. makes my days exponentially more productive.

There's plenty of research that shows that open floor plans always hurt morale and productivity. You're not looking hard enough.

FWIW, I’ve read of ton of research and the consensus is that open floor plans do hurt morale/individual production, but private offices hurt communication/team production.

I’ve also seen some research (which I cannot recall right this second) - which suggests team offices of 4-8 are ideal where you get some of the communication/team productivity without the full disruption of an open office.

I have a list of about 10 articles (with verified sources, etc) that go in either direction. Making a bold claim that one type of office is more productive than another is simply untrue.

I made no such claim. I was making the claim that overall production maybe affected differently than individual production for both scenarios. And offering a middle-ground option which may be more beneficial, but is often not discussed.

We have (some) private offices, but the people in them stay connected online using a collaboration tool. They are aware of the entire team's activities and can communicate instantly with anyone with a question or issue, yet distractions are minimized by being in a quiet personal space.

Our tool of choice is Sococo, because its awesome and because we develop it (I work at Sococo).

Sometimes developers need to collaborate and sometimes they need quiet isolation. Individual developers have preferences too. (Sometimes I like a bustle around me. It keeps me from zoning out.) This false dichotomy of exclusively committing to one or the other is foolish.

With notebook computers and mobile phones, there is no reason to chain an employee to their desk. A software company could have areas with open tables and school desks designated for a particular working environment. It would require some sound proofed rooms meant for demos and discussions, and at least one large area you could call "The Library" where talking is met with a chorus of angry shushing.

This is just an idea that’s been rattling around my head so I am sure there are points to work out in implementation, but I doubt it would cost significantly more or hurt productivity any worse than open office plans.

Do not be too much impressed by big names and buzzwords.

The [very] successful process of developing the Linux kernel with nothing but git, mailing lists and a small set of simple rules (no meetings, no Scrum, no BS) proved to be good-enough.

It is not only Linux kernel, there are hundreds of other "decentralized, no-water-fall" projects, notably FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Xorg, LLVM, Golang, CPython, Ruby, you name it.

It is much better to consider the differences between a commercial organization (a corporation) with all that bureaucracy obsessed with keeping its positions and budgets, etc. and a team of enthusiastic professionals with their own "inner" motivations and goals.

Corporations are producing products to make profit, while teams of enthusiasts are producing (evolving) tools and services for themselves.

The difference is the same as between McDonald's and family/home-made-for-themselves food.)

Consider, for example, LLVM/Clang (backed by Apple) as high quality and no-cost alternative to VS. Its used as a primary compiler for OS X, iOS and FreeBSD and optional one for Android NDK.

And, look ma, no bureaucrats, no meetings, no Scrum.

LLVM/Clang and Visual Studio are not analogous... LLVM/Clang is a compliler/compiler frontend while Visual Studio is an IDE. You're looking for Visual Studio vs. Eclipse or .NET vs. Mono etc. in each case I think most see the no-cost alternative as quite obviously inferior. This weakens your argument a bit.

You're looking for Visual Studio vs. Eclipse

Or XCode, that's Apple's (free) IDE for Mac OS X

Do you realize how much more complex is the optimizing compiler part compared to the IDE part? My bet is that there are two separate sub-divisions working on them.

OK, let's consider only compilers, if you wish..)

Btw, GNU Emacs, which is another "miracle" of software engineering, is a good-enough IDE part for Clang. Together, in pair, they are, in my opinion, even more flexible and less resourse-wasting than VS. And (surprise!) cross-platform.

It sounds like you have a very firm background in the Unix/Linux world but you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Windows-based development. For reference: I'm primarily a Unix/Linux developer but I work for Microsoft so I know what VS is about too. I understand what you're trying to say but it weakens your argument when you clearly haven't evaluated both sides. It sounds like you don't know how GNU Emacs was developed either -- the GNU version of Emacs was developed not by Scrum or Agile or "Waterfall" but by Richard Stallman's neckbeard in the MIT AI Lab...

There was a link to Stallman's emacs paper back from 80s. Have you read it?)

The "miracle" of Emacs in that it has a very powerful DSL which uses proper abstractions - buffers, paragraphs, blocks, strings, fonts, characters etc. embedded into a Lisp. Thus it is a thoroughly programmable (not just extensible) editor.

It is quite beneficial to get familiar with ideas and design decisions behind Emacs, especially in the age of Java and copy-paste based coding.

I would really like to understand your experience. I'm not an emacs guru by any measure. I currently only use it when I have to, not when I want to. I'm also not a VS fan for editing. But...With Visual Assist installed (and possibly even without it), I don't see how emacs compares. But then maybe I just don't know how to setup emacs. I'd love to know


I'd love to know too! I use Emacs for everything except C++, because I've never found anything that works as well for code navigation and completion as visual assist. (Setup time is a factor, I admit. I'm not saying visual assist isn't a bit ropey in places.)

(As a text editor Visual Studio isn't great but it's perfectly adequate and I generally get by by copying and pasting to and from Emacs if I need to do anything complicated.)

Not sure if my answer would be better that those of Google search.

I could have a flexible, programmable good-enough DE for C/C++ with make, emacs+cedet+cc-mode on my netbook with a crappy AMD x86-64 CPU and 1.5Gb of available RAM. It works fine for navigating over my own code, when I know what I am doing and why.

I would not explain the wonders of emacs+slime+cmucl or emacs+cider+clojure-mode here. Just one hint: everything works on a [remote] text terminal via ssh,tmux,etc. Google does it better.

Eclipse, while it could start without any progect in a minute or so, is unusable for anything but menu navigation.

Moreover, there are people around who still believe that make and command line tools are still good enough.

My bet is that very complex software, like nginx or postgresql has been written in vi or emacs.

> You're looking for Visual Studio vs. Eclipse or .NET vs. Mono etc. in each case I think most see the no-cost alternative as quite obviously inferior.

In manys eyes it is quite the opposite: Netbeans and Eclipse used to run circles around VS. I understand a lot of people like VS and there have been improvements lately bur please don't spread FUD on HN. Thanks.

I don't think it's fair to call the parent post "FUD", both because I think you've misused the term "FUD" and because I don't think the parent post is qualitatively wrong.

Having been a user of all of them for... as long as they have existed (oh God)... Visual Studio has been my preferred software at the time that each version existed. Even the much-maligned Visual Studio .NET 2002 seemed relatively faster and less error-prone than the then-current release of Eclipse. The decision to use Eclipse was usually a cost or programming language issue. You don't code Java in Visual Studio. There were many times, if I could have, I would have plunked down the cash.

Today, I try to setup my projects to be editor-agnostic, but I still end up using VS Express 2013 for Web when I'm working from a Windows machine. When I'm not, I'm not using Eclipse, I'm using something much lighter, like Vi or Geany.

I've used all those products for decades, visual studio since version 6 in 1998. I have never seen anything that would back up your statement at any point in history and I don't know anyone with the relevant experience that would agree with you.

The world is made a better place when people post from a wealth of real world personal experience and cheapened by those that who do not. Please refrain.

I work at a government agency, no scrum, no agile, no nothing. It's so bad I'd kill for waterfall.

I personally love Visual Studio. Using continuous integration was an eye opener to me, I'm still not sold on continuous deployment though (on call isn't a good option IMO for a developer).

Infrequent deployments don't prevent on-call scenarios. Stuff can and does still break between deployments, as external dependencies change, load increases or it's characteristics change, "time bomb" bugs go off, or any of a huge number of other things happen. Infrequent deployments mean that responding to these events is slower and more costly.

Infrequent deployments also greatly increase the risk of problems during deployment, because infrequently exercised pieces of code (i.e. The deployment code/scripts) are more likely to be buggy, and because gobs of changes pile up between deployments.

With that said, continuous deployment probably should not be happening at night or on the weekends unless you have rock-solid automatic rollback and the necessary monitoring to trigger it.

I think the idea is that continuous deployment is like working out a muscle. At first it is way more painful that the status quo. But over time the muscle (deployment team/system) can adapt to the workload and become stronger.

But it only works if you have the time and resources to react to what happens. For example if you find out that differences between dev and prod servers can cause problems, you could add a tool like Chef/Puppet/Ansible to prevent those differences.

But if you don't have the time or resources to invest in that sort of change (as in many government agencies), then continuous deployment will just pack more problems into a shorter period of time.

This would be analogous to lifting weights, but never getting enough sleep or good nutrition. Under those circumstances, a person will just get weaker and more injured over time.

> I work at a government agency, no scrum, no agile, no nothing. It's so bad I'd kill for waterfall.

Ditto, though we eventually adopted a modified form of scrum for the project that I'm on. Is the decision out of your control?

I'm not sure what you're suggesting: that corporations should just adopt the Linux kernel development approach? that all software should be developed as open source?

Like you said, a corporation is not the same as a team of enthusiasts, so it seems sensible that what works for the former doesn't work for the later and vice-versa.

I am just trying to switch attention form popular memes to the facts that development of very complex and high-quality software could be done in a very different, no-BS, good-enough way.

How do you know how the LLVM/Clang development is done inside Apple? Maybe they do use scrum, etc.

And Agile doesn't suit 100% of development projects

agree 100%. waterfall and agile/scrum, both are BS.

Like it or loathe it, MSFT has always been a learning corporation. Teams are continually exploring different approaches to software development and trying to figure out what works best for their team and org. To their credit, they also publish a fair amount of this research and it looks pretty interesting, e.g.

Transition from Centralized to Distributed VCS: A Microsoft Case Study on Reasons, Barriers, and Outcomes, via http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/nachin/

Have Agile Techniques been the Silver Bullet for Software Development at Microsoft? via http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/bmurphy/

[ $0.02, Scrum or no scrum, for my money having a private office is infinitely better than open plan for getting stuff done. Each to their own, getting harder to find jobs with your own space ]

Seems to be a lot of words to describe what is basically a company adapting to its place in the market.

When Microsoft had a dominant market position it could freeze its customer's in-house strategies by tactically leaking details (real or perhaps not) of its future releases. Extended release intervals did not matter because customers waited.

Fast forward to today and it is not dominant in markets where it sees growth potential. Customers will no longer wait. Microsoft is seen seen as a laggard by many adopting new technologies. Extended development time would preclude any chance they have of success so they had to change. The outcome is as yet undetermined.

Sometimes I think one of the more important innovations in development technology is the headphone. Open-plan development without great ways to block out noise would be ridiculous.

I work in an open-plan office and it's the most miserable thing in the world, even with headphones. After this I will never again accept a job without a private office.

I'm completely with you on that one. Death stares at people having "meetings" without meeting rooms doesn't seem to help either.

I have not been blessed with a private office yet, but fortunately cubes are still dramatically better than open-plan (IMO).

It's sad that we live in a world where the cube is now the "good" option.

If I ever have another company, if I can't afford the office space, I don't need the person. Office space is cheap compared to salary and wasted productivity.

I had a nice compromise at a startup I was at a few years back. Large offices, two developers per, with their dual monitor setups back to back and whiteboards behind each dev. It was a good balance, you could easily collaborate with the rest of the team when necessary and the other dev could stay pretty much heads down (especially with headphones).

Agreed. Having to wear headphones is unpleasant. I can't work unless I have crap on my head, and I have to listen to music? Ridiculous. Shortly before I left my last position the new manager arranged the seating so that the most communicative people were in the centre, for ease of access, so the majority of the noise was right in the middle of the workspace, constant, and inescapable. Productivity destroyed.

100% agree. Not only that 100% of all my coworkers hate open-plan office. Even managers hate the open-plan office. It is only good for one thing, cheaper. thats all.

I have to agree. Last year I went from a workplace that had a massive open-plan office to one with small rooms. My general productivity level is about the same, but my problem-solving efficiency has gone way up. I'm convinced that peripheral sensory input breaks your concentration even if it doesn't consciously "bother" you.

I work in an open plan office where we pair program 100% of the time.

I was miserable working by myself in a private office.

Pair programming 100% of the time sounds miserable to me


Life is better now I work from home. It's better to have the kids screaming in the background than people tapping your shoulder and blasting your entire thought process out of the window.

Exactly my feelings.

Let's see if you think this in twenty years, when you need a hearing aid. Headphone use, at any volume, is positively correlated with hearing loss. Hearing damage is cumulative, and the vast majority of hearing loss isn't caused by exposure to very short, very loud sounds, it's caused by exposure to sounds that are just a little bit too loud, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. And, almost by definition, if the music is loud enough to drown out ambient noise in an open-plan office, it's loud enough to damage your hearing if you're exposing yourself to it 8 hours a day. I mean, the only way it wouldn't be is if your office were as quiet as a tomb (or a recording studio), and if that were the case you wouldn't need headphones in the first place.

I work in an open plan office. I don't wear headphones. Yes, it's annoying. Yes, it's distracting. Yes, it's better than losing my hearing.

I'm only a single sample, it's true. But I've been using headphones in one form or other pretty much daily for over 30 years and I've not yet noticed any deterioration (I have relatively poor hearing due to childhood disease, but that was before I started using headphones, and it's not got noticeably worse in the past 30+ years).

Also, noise cancelling headphones can allow you to listen to music at quieter than the office's ambient volume.

Closed back, active noise reduction.

I've been listening to headphones all day, most days at work for 15 or so years. No hearing problems.

Well, none that can be put down to headphone use, last time I got tested apparently they found conductive hearing loss in my left ear and asked if I'd had a head injury o_O

Closed back headphones, or just good canal phones, cut out a huge amount of noise. They are basically ear muffs that are also headphones.

You can get a good 10db attenuation from just closed back headphones alone.

Yeah, often I just wear headphones w/o any music playing. It not only cuts down on noise but also on people bugging me.

Why not try earplugs? $15 for a year's supply. They are "disposable" but each can easily last for a week or two. http://www.homedepot.com/p/3M-Tekk-Protection-Multi-Color-Di... I use the 3M brand and can recommend them.

I don't find earplugs comfortable, but you got me thinking and I might buy a set of hearing protection earmuffs (http://www.amazon.com/3M-Peltor-Ultimate-Hearing-Protector/d...). As a bonus, I think having a set of bright blue earmuffs on would more of a visible "do not disturb" symbol than earplugs.

Thanks for the idea. :)

I can't stand foam earplugs, but I am an avid user of silicone earplugs. I especially like these guys:


When I'm feeling like I really need quiet I'll throw on a pair of ear muffs on top of that. The only caveat is that you need to be comfortable with silence: the ear plugs will really cut down on background noise (e.g. AC and TV).

> And, almost by definition, if the music is loud enough to drown out ambient noise in an open-plan office, it's loud enough to damage your hearing if you're exposing yourself to it 8 hours a day.

In my experience the levels you need to drown everything out (to a manageable level and with closed headphones) is way lower for white/brown noise than it is for music.

Open floorplan works if the entire "open area" is engaged in a common goal. In that case, headphones can be more of a hindrance than a help.

However, in the case where the open floorplan is simply an office cost savings measure that puts mixed goals in a small collocated area, then yes, headphones..

I disagree with the common goal idea -- even if there is a common goal, there are often very different tasks. And there are still countless distractions from noise, etc...

The latter is so important, I'll risk a vapid comment just to second this. To echo the sentiment of a commenter below, you don't realize how miserable a mixed open office is until you are trying to do work with a standup happening 2 feet away from your head.

(Disclaimer; Microsoft employee without a personal office, quite jealous of those with.)

The place I'm at now is the only job I've had (or place I've contracted with, met with etc.,) that's gotten this right. The whole open floor plan thing, to work well, has to have a reasonably accessible way to escape it when necessary.

Open offices can only work, IMO, when there's a breakout room, or in general some sort of closed door room anyone can jump into and get things done or have a 4 person meeting. There's just no escaping the need to have privacy for the point of thinking, or even privacy for the point of talking. Maybe there's a perfect job in a perfect world where everything is open, but in my experience, there's a need to get away from the group once in a while, either alone or with a group.

Even that wouldn't work for me with open offices because I can't simply pick up my giant desktop and move in there to do work -- I'm completely stuck in the open office.

Beat me to it; this is precisely the problem.

There are these sort of offices available, but the problem is the cost of the context switching, a distraction being an involuntary context switch.

Doesn't Valve in Bellevue solve this problem with dev stations on carts.

One conversation that I can't tune out, and I lose 20-60 minutes of work. I may not be cut out to work for other people, but it's intensely frustrating that by far my most productive hours every day are post gym/dinner between 10pm and 1am every night.

You sir, hit the nail on the head.

So many people focus on open vs private offices and miss the whole point of which one is better for when.

Realistically, getting the choice seems to be more encouraging.

I'm, unfortunately, at an open office as a cost savings measure type place and without headphones I would get absolutely _nothing_ done.

There's a type of office that often gets overlooked and IMO is the best of both worlds: The spacious cubicle[1]. I like having my own corner with lots of table space, my own drawer etc. in a semi-closed cubicle. Engaging with someone is still easy - stand up, look how engaged he is in his work (headphones on?) and decide whether it's a good time to talk to him. Nurture a calm environment (good isolating cubicle walls help a lot, put sales people into their own closed offices) and you IMO have the perfect environment for developers. Having nothing but a grey wall and two nice big displays in front of me (preferably metallic so I can put my current thoughts on paper and hang it up with magnets) is a zen-like experience and helps me concentrate a lot.


Unfortunately the image of cubicles is inextricably tied to soul-crushing corporations (ex. Office Space).

Yes, that's unfortunate, because I'd take this over Open Plan any day. I think one reason why Open Plan is so popular in nowadays is that it's way cheaper than good cubicles and managers can 'sell' the cost savings to employees by appearing forward thinking and open minded.

Reminds me of the study carrels in a local University library. They were good for getting essays written.

I am always surprised people are so opinionated about open floor plans. Unless we are talking about sirens and crying babies, I can just ignore the background noise and keep working. Although I have been sharing a room with someone or another since I was 3 years old, so filtering out noise might to just a sanity mechanism at this point.

There is at least one person on HN who likes open floor plans. I know this because I'm that person. When I worked in one, I never found myself distracted by conversations, and most often didn't realize they were happening.

I've worked in open plan offices for most of my career, as it's very common in the UK.

I believe the last role took the biscuit, though....

Open plan with hotdesking and lockers... Primary coloured lockers, so it looked like a poor man's GooglePlex. Where the meagre budget had run out halfway through.

You could never be sure where you would be the next morning, or next to whom (inc. constantly teleconferencing middle managers). There were two banks of desks with dual monitors, supposedly reserved for developers. Sometimes, non-technical personnel would grab them, and not even use the monitors... Just their laptop screens (for Outlook, basically).

That was slightly irksome :-)

I'm fine with them too. I like the hubbub.

Open plan is Kryptonite for introverts. We need silence and no distractions.

But you'd probably go insane in my working environment, which is in a house surrounded by fields miles from a city with no one else in it, except me.

Point is, you should tailor the spaces to the individuals working in them. There is no Generic Industry Standard Employee. Which is why trying to enforce Generic Industry Standard Working Environments is maybe not such an effective way to get cool stuff out the door.

As for Agile etc - it's a 20th century methodology, not a 21st century one.

I have no idea what 21st century software development is going to look like. Nor does anyone else, because no one has invented it yet.

>> I can just ignore the background noise and keep working

Good for you. Not everyone can.

I'm curious your take on some of the research claiming people are more productive and/or more creative at a coffee shop with noise surrounded by people than in a quiet place alone

Google for "more productive at coffee shops".

That would seem to suggest that maybe private offices aren't quite always best

I feel more productive in coffee shops, but I think a crucial difference between a coffee shop and an open office is that in a coffee shop you are less likely to be interrupted.

I suspect whether one can work better with some background 'noise' (sounds and sights) is partly a personality characteristic, but that interruptions are universally disastrous when one tries to be productive.

Ambient soft noise from people not interacting with you is hardly the same as trying to concentrate in a room full of people actively watching what you are doing and trying to get your attention.

This article has depressingly little about how Microsoft went about changing the culture from a waterfall to agile mindset. The article is also pretty rosy; I'd expect a little more bumps on the way.

What do you want to know?

Culturally, I think it's important to notice that VS is really a bunch of smaller teams put together, and not all of them have the same development strategies or systems.

So the biggest motivator here seemed to be a few pioneering teams who thought they had a better way to develop software, and had support from leadership.

So the pioneering teams pushed forward and started to put up measurable results. I think after that culture is bound to follow.

I'd most like to know how the developers reacted -- to losing offices, to speeding up dev cycles, to changing up testing. Presumably some of them were supportive, some of them were against it, but what were their reasons, and how did they react to the change?

I think it's more likely that the early adopter teams had some measurable result, and then management pushed the change through to other teams. So how did those teams react?

The article just paints a very optimistic picture. Something as big as VS, there's a lot of stuff to actually change when you go about changing things. I feel like there's just more to this story.

I'm curious if there were any structural changes to the product which needed to be made to support a more agile workflow. For example when I was there, just the branching and RI schedules were massive taxes on everyone. Also there were periods of insane 'gates' to code changes to get something committed- what has been done to allow less ship room and more code changes?

Edit: I left Microsoft to escape the VS ship schedule, I have not heard of significant changes from the co-workers I keep in touch with.

I remember reading about changes to development during the Windows 7 project, which I wrote up[1] for a different lay audience.

People underestimate Microsoft. It has enormous inertia, but historically enough introspection to recognise strategic errors and reorient. The most famous being accepting that the Internet was not going away, circa 1998.

[1] http://clubtroppo.com.au/2008/10/20/microsoft-rebooted/

The fact that specification and documentation are abandoned is pretty sad. Software should be adequately specified and specs should be kept up to date with code. Code is not a spec.

The fact that you were downvoted is extremely sad. Downvoters, good luck understanding how the next crappy project[1] you'll inherit was supposed to work without even a one-line specification describing what the reasoning behind certain choices was!

Everything about methodologies should be taken with a grain of salt, what works somewhere, with a specific set of people and for some projects is not guaranteed to work anywhere. And not every aspect linked with "old" methodologies should be viewed as pure evil.

Consider that many of the ideas that ended up in the agile manifesto could already be found in Peopleware from the eighties and that no methodology is the last. There was Waterfall, RUP and other clones, with the Agile wave someone defined XP (now dead) and after that Scrum. Now even Scrum is seen as something with too much overhead and people start turning to custom solution that use kanban/kaizen/etc...

[1] Referring to a project that has some logic worthy of benig explained, interaction with external components, ecc... not some CRUD.

The private offices were one of the best parts of working at Microsoft. Open plans suck and I blame facebook/google for perpetuating this fad ;)

Here is a repost of a comment I posted directly to the Ars Technica thread in reply to the author endorsing Agile/Scrum and expressing ambivalence towards telecommuting:

"That's 20th century thinking, Peter! Marshall McLuhan would be disappointed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNhRCRAL6sY

Spontaneous collaboration can happen just as effectively with a remote staff, but you have to default all your channels of communication to digital ones.

Instead of a culture of shoulder taps, use IM.

Instead of a culture of hallway conversations, get the entire team on a permanent group chat.

Skype is one of the best tools for this, so it's ironic that the company which owns it isn't making the best use of its own tools! ;)

The guys over at Basecamp did a great book recently on how to do this remote collaboration stuff right called "Remote: Office Not Required" http://37signals.com/remote

It's a great read. I read it recently while on the plane to a meeting that totally could have been over the internet. The irony was not lost on me.

It's also worth noting that Agile/Scrum is not universally well liked anyway. In fact it's incredibly divisive. People who love it seem to really love it and people who hate it seem to really hate it.

For example, here's a site parodying the Agile Manifesto, asking the world to adopt something more modern: http://asyncmanifesto.org

And here's a much saucier (and perhaps less serious) take on the same idea: http://programming-motherfucker.com

TL;DR: Agile/Scrum is a management fad. Collaboration can succeed or fail using any methodology. All the blind praise the media spews for Agile/Scrum is arguably harmful to discussing what is and isn't effective management."

Original post: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/08/how-mi...

"Spontaneous collaboration can happen just as effectively with a remote staff, but you have to default all your channels of communication to digital ones."

So, if you handicap your local staff to use only a fraction of their communications capability then your remote ones are just as good?

Seriously - I've spent a large amount of time dealing with offshort staff and onshore staff, and staff both in the different buildings, the same building but different rooms, and staff in the same room - and having people sitting right next to each other makes a massive difference to the communication bandwidth.

The ability to turn your screen towards a co-worker, say "What do you think of that?" and get a reply three seconds later is _fantastic_ - and simply impossible with remote communications. (Where you can ping them on IM, wait for them to notice the message, start a screen-share, wait for them to accept, and then wave your cursor over the bit of screen you want them to pay attention to. It's effective, but it's nowhere near as fluid as pointing and handwaving.)

I strongly recommend reading the "Remote" book. There are sections which detail why the "handicapping" argument you just made is a fallacy.

As for the workflow you describe being "impossible with remote communications," trust me, it's not! Just paste a screenshot into a group chat.

Often this is faster and more effective than physically showing someone a screen anyway, plus it broadcasts the info to a potentially larger group.

As for the "wait for them to notice" part, that's just bad collaboration and it happens whether people are there or not. If you're expecting your coworker to be interruptible, s/he can be whether it's IM or it's a shoulder tap if that's the expectation.

Meanwhile, in a big crowded open office plan, often times people are just as uninterruptible as remote is so often perceived to be. People put on headphones and strongly resist shoulder taps.

Whether you're all in one office or all collaborating over chat, success or failure is about proper communication, not which medium you're using.

Depends on what that other co-worker is doing. If you are both aligning buttons on a windows form, sure. If the person being interrupted has 10 minutes of debugging state in her head, well, there goes over 1/2 hour of work (10 minutes to build that state, 10-15 minutes to recover from the interruption, another 10 to get back to where you were).

Which is another good reason for in person communication- you can see if your coworker is intensely focusing and give them space. Pinging them on IM is distracting and interrupts them regardless of what they are doing. Pinging an entire team on the "team chat" is even worse.

Easy solution: set IM to do not disturb and mute notifications until you're done with the intense focus task.

I particularly like the async style stuff because I can go read back through what is effectively an audit trail and figure out how something happened. It's a nice alternative to heavier-weight up-front design and documentation, especially for small teams.

Then, sometimes, you have cases like yesterday where CTO comes in at the end of the day, reads a chat log, and flips out because he thinks we're going to rewrite his garbage co^H^H^H^Hprecious baby. Some nuance can be lost just skimming over chat histories.

I left Microsot recently. Going from desktop development to web development. One of my ex-coworkers told me web and mobile development was a fad. -_-

Client web development is a fad. Using a document markup language and a scripting language to build apps - what a joke. And what is this "desktop development" you are referring to? When it comes to modern development, desktop is just a subset of the native experiences, all of which could share the same logic (e.g. via Xamarin).

Also, lock-in tactic [1] is so much last century, but MS is still quite slow on dropping it. With general decline of Windows domination they'll drop lock-in approach even more, but that's still in the future.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Microsoft#Vendor_...

Look around you, lock-in is everywhere. For example, it's the bread and butter of social networking.

> Look around you, lock-in is everywhere.

Only in markets with poor competition. I.e. in unhealthy markets.

MS is used to such situation, because for a long time they were in a very sick market, where they dominated heavily. Lock-in was used to preserve that domination. Now the situation has changed, and them sticking to lock-in actually harms their position more than helping them to preserve their grip on the market. They slowly realize that, but they could do it faster. Moving slowly has become their habit, exactly because of the above.

Competition does wonders. Remember the times of heavy IE lock-in tactics? They are gone because of the competition.

> Only in markets with poor competition

This is blatantly and obviously false. Mobile has lots of competition, and lots of lock in. Apple's App Store, Google Play Services on Android, DRM on Kindles, DRM everywhere. I can watch Amazon Video on iOS and a Kindle Fire but not on an Android Tablet. I can get a gmail app on iOS and Android but not Kindle Fire. It's lock in everywhere. On Apple's ecosystem, on Google's, on Microsoft's and even on Amazon's.

> Mobile has lots of competition

Not enough really. Current situation of two heavily dominant participants is not called a lot of competition.

Other competitors are too much behind, barely making any traction in the market. And it shows. For example getting native drivers from hardware manufacturers is close to impossible, unless they are requested for existing incumbents. That's a perfect example of implicit lock-in caused by the lack of competition in the mobile space.

Another example are mobile browsers which are dominated by these incumbents. Again, not enough competition there.

> Not enough really.

Now you're just devolving your argument into a No True Scotsman fallacy. Mobile has a ton of competition, Samsung just lost the top spots in China and India. If anything it's lock in that's preventing it from being more competitive if anything.

> Samsung just lost the top spots in China and India.

And? Samsung's own OS is barely registered on the market (Tizen). Which demonstrates poor competition on the scene dominated by Android and iOS.

> lock in that's preventing it from being more competitive if anything.

As I wrote above, lock-in can turn around and bite the one who is using it. It's a crooked practice.

I don't understand your argument anymore, I think we do agree that lock in is bad, so that's good.

This seems pretty off-topic. Lock-in software can be developed in a variety of different ways, so development strategy really isn't relevant.

Why is it off-topic to mention last century practices which are still used by MS? It's pretty much within the broader scope of what this article touches on. No matter what variety it is, MS has to adjust to the new reality, that competition will happen on merit, and not on crooked market capture methodology.

I guess downvoters are just upset about MS criticism, rather than consider this being off-topic, since it isn't.

As a Microsoft employee, I assure you that the problem here is not that Microsoft criticism is unpopular on HN. That is just hilarious. I can't even think of a thing that's more popular to bash on HN than Microsoft.

As I said, it contributes to the discussion to actually comment, rather than cast votes.

I.e. if you disagree with some statement - say so, and explain why. That would be meaningful.

> the problem here is not that Microsoft criticism is unpopular on HN

That depends. According to my observation, a lot of times downvotes happen because of disagreement, even though they supposedly should indicate something else.

>I guess downvoters are just upset about MS criticism,

As long as you're guessing, you can say anything you want. It does not have to be true.

No one stops downvoters from commenting. If they don't - others would guess what they can possibly mean.

>others would guess what they can possibly mean

Personally, I would not be so arrogant as to claim I can mind-read. YMMV.

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