I don't know about anything Emacs internals but what a strange remark: "I recently wanted to change how `M-x' works. The command behind it is called `execute-extended-command'. It is written in C. This is disappointing for my desires to tinker, but not all together surprising either. It is a pretty central piece of the Emacs infrastructure."
It being a central piece of infrastructure I would expect it to be written in a higher level language for better maintainability.
No. I mean, I understand it just fine, I just hate the structure of it. Something about it causes revulsion, something that would probably go away if I actually sat down and learned lisp.
you'll end up with the inverse problem when you go back to infix notation though - be warned! when I see func(arg) I feel like I am on the inside of a star fruit.
It being a central piece of infrastructure I would expect it to be written in a higher level language for better maintainability.