The vitriol on my part was due to the Winerian aspect -- the man has a long history of fucking up everything he touches technically, and vindictively fucking over anyone less than sycophantic. Run away.
APP doesn't see much use in Wordpress because nobody uses desktop blogging clients anymore. However, it is widely implemented on both sides (even Microsoft!), something that will never be true for <cloud>.
'RSSCloud' is inelegant, idiotically-designed (he thinks traditional SOAP posted to a resourcey URL is REST!), doesn't help centralized aggregators scale, doesn't work with NATed clients, and worst of all it was specced/never-implemented/forgotten by Dave Winer 8 years ago. At least you were smart enough not to use -- Winer can't be trusted to host anything for anyone (eg:
Google, Bloglines, Facebook, Twitter, et. al. will never implement it. The only people <cloud> could possibly help would be the few running their own server-side aggregators. Implementing PubSubHubBub would actually help people -- doing this just feeds Winer's ego (and thus pumps up the drama).
Why the hell were you still serving duplicate RSS2 at all anyway? The only extant feedreaders that don't grok Atom were written by Winer (and he's the only user left!).
Last month we got 688,000 new blog posts via XML-RPC, so desktop clients are still meaningful. (XML-RPC API is also used by other folks like Flickr.) APP may be better, I don't have a strong opinion, but it's hardly used and in fact we had trouble finding clients to test with when writing support for it. Regardless, we try to have the best support for APP possible.
Same thing with feeds -- we offer every feed in a choice of 4 formats (two Atoms, two RSSes). It's the same content and there's no overhead to us (it's just a template file) so why not let people choose what they like best.
APP doesn't see much use in Wordpress because nobody uses desktop blogging clients anymore. However, it is widely implemented on both sides (even Microsoft!), something that will never be true for <cloud>.
'RSSCloud' is inelegant, idiotically-designed (he thinks traditional SOAP posted to a resourcey URL is REST!), doesn't help centralized aggregators scale, doesn't work with NATed clients, and worst of all it was specced/never-implemented/forgotten by Dave Winer 8 years ago. At least you were smart enough not to use -- Winer can't be trusted to host anything for anyone (eg:
Google, Bloglines, Facebook, Twitter, et. al. will never implement it. The only people <cloud> could possibly help would be the few running their own server-side aggregators. Implementing PubSubHubBub would actually help people -- doing this just feeds Winer's ego (and thus pumps up the drama).
Why the hell were you still serving duplicate RSS2 at all anyway? The only extant feedreaders that don't grok Atom were written by Winer (and he's the only user left!).