Back to the topic, I do this thing called biking to and from work. It's more pleasant than taking the subway, and when you don't have an unlimited subway card, it's easy to keep up the habit. It may not be as fun as creating an MMO, but it's pretty low threshold.
Is HN picky about going off-topic? I haven't commented much here.
I also bike to and from work and I've seen it have really positive effects on my friends who want to build muscle and lose some weight.
I actually try to structure my life similar to how this guy did his "MMO", with rules and systems that make it easy to live well. When you bike and walk everywhere, it's hard not to be in decent shape.
Absolutely. I love that it's so low threshold, you just have to do it and it doesn't take any extra time, such as going to the gym. It's also a lot of fun.
This doesn't seem too off-topic, we're just discussing alternatives to the topic in question. : )
Back to the topic, I do this thing called biking to and from work. It's more pleasant than taking the subway, and when you don't have an unlimited subway card, it's easy to keep up the habit. It may not be as fun as creating an MMO, but it's pretty low threshold.