Thought you'd like to know that you can vote on this bill yourself. After you do your vote gets sent to your Reps and Senators, as well as the sponsor and legislators in the committee the bill is currently in. Which looks to be the senate judiciary committee.
This is the first time I've seen the site. I signed up and gave it a try. How does it work? Do representatives see a great number of emails from Votocracy? Is there a way for them to verify the comments are genuine?
Yes, Reps are seeing an increasing number of emails from us alone. So much so that they are consistently calling our office. In terms of verification, currently our verification is on par with anything else they are getting from either individuals submitting letters or any other method. That is, they are verified by having entered their address which is in the reps district.
We will soon take on the task of true verification though. Which means, bouncing your registration details against a voter id database.
The full bill text is usually available through the site. If in this case it is not, just wait a few days, it will get posted. Sometimes it takes a few days for the sponsor to post the actual text when the intro a bill