How is Gezira relevant to the topic of this book? The title says the book is about "graphics programming", but from the description it seems clear that it is primarily about GPU programming, and pixel shaders in particular.
I'm not familiar with Gezira, but from what little info I could find it seems to compile to C code and runs entirely on the CPU. They say an OpenCL backend is planned for the future but not there yet. I agree it might be a good environment to learn about graphics concepts in general, but it wouldnt really teach anything about the details of GPU programming.
I'm not familiar with Gezira, but from what little info I could find it seems to compile to C code and runs entirely on the CPU. They say an OpenCL backend is planned for the future but not there yet. I agree it might be a good environment to learn about graphics concepts in general, but it wouldnt really teach anything about the details of GPU programming.