Good code needs no test either,... wait no ,that's a stupid thing to say,because nobody writes "good code",code isnt good or bad,it either results in the expected behavior or not.
If it means "the machine executes it and is able to produce the expected outputs with the right inputs", and nothing else, then you are missing a key concept about code.
You see, code is not written for machines. If that was the only reason, we would all write direct binary. Code is written for people. More specifically, other people. (Or you, in the future).
If no one (except a machine) is capable of understanding a piece of code, then that code is indeed bad; it has failed its main purpose. The more understandable by people code is, the better it is.
I agree that once compiled/interpreted, these differences don't matter. Until the next bug or feature request arrives. Then it matters quite a lot.
Good code needs no test either,... wait no ,that's a stupid thing to say,because nobody writes "good code",code isnt good or bad,it either results in the expected behavior or not.