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> It amazes me that so many people complain about Java "forcing OOP on everything". If I read framework source code, I see very little OOP in there. It's mostly procedural-with-classes. Maybe we've redefined OOP to mean "whatever Java is doing".

We kind of have, though it started pre-Java. "Procedural-with-classes" pretty much became "OO" from C++, and Java got it from there.

OO is a good way of approaching many real-world problem domains, but most OO programming languages implement OO in a way which has a significant impedance mismatch with the way in which OO is a good way of approaching real world problems.

I'm increasingly unconvinced that OOP (in terms of language features, even in the Ruby/Smalltalk sense, much less the Java/C++ sense) is actually an important tool in the mapping of OO thinking about systems to actual concrete programming, and that other approaches, like REST-based (not particularly HTTP-based, but the architectural style) SOA where the individual components are functional might be better -- traditional OOP, IMO, promotes tighter coupling than you real want in an OO system, and then requires elaborate patterns to mitigate that into slightly looser coupling than the language structures naturally promote.

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