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I can say the same re your experience, but I kind of experience the same thing he links to with Gradle and really despise it. Handling the constant Groovy errors and Gradle errors, and spending my life digging through their docs for a language and a build system I couldn't care less about really depresses me when I'm a Java expert. Give me a stack trace and I'll have the problem fixed in five minutes with unit tests and UI automation tests done later that day.

But give me a gradle error and I'm stuck in their docs all day, you might have a solution this week. And by the way it breaks automatically all the time as Android Studio and the android tools plugins and all the rest version up. I wish we could have just stuck with Ant and Eclipse for Android, which are known evils. Instead every update of Studio and Gradle someone on the team has to draw the short straw and try, then either give everyone else the OK or tell them to stay the hell away from that version.

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