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Scala isn't really functional, its more like a better Java that happens to include some FP abstractions (like C# does with Linq). Its actually a good OOP language, better than Java and even C#.

Clojure is a Lisp, its niche. There will always be some people around who want to program in a Lisp, and many of them are just choosing Clojure today. Nothing new really.

I'm a Clojure fan, and the syntax has nothing to do with it. The pervasive immutability, persistent data structures, ease of threading and STM mechanics are the good bits as far as I'm concerned.

The language could have a Python skin on it and still maintain much of what makes it pleasant to work in. I'd probably even prefer it.

Furthermore, the reaction to Clojure by the lisp community in general seems to be quite negative, like it's some inferior lisp that doesn't even have things like reader macros, and it makes no sense why it's getting traction when CL never did.

Which is all to say, I think the answer to what makes Clojure compelling is actually quite nuanced, and you're painting over it with a broad brush. Maybe with the wrong color.

It's unfair to call Scala 'not really functional'. Although I agree it allows for very rich OO programming, dismissing it as merely adopting "some FP abstractions" and comparing it to LINQ is bordering on FUD. To substantiate these claims, you have to at least give an example in which Scala falls short in being a functional programming language.

Interestingly, Scala's combination of OO and FP has given it (besides a lot of mockery and criticism) the title of a "postfunctional language".

Btw: I don't mean to pick on you, but you are talking a lot in absolutes on things I happen to disagree with in this thread.

Compared to the real functional languages (Haskell), the only reason I can think of that scala is called a functional language is because the community would be insecure in their smugness otherwise. You can totally use scala as a better java dipping into FP occasionally as you would in C#. It's not like say F#, which really forces you into a functional mindset.

Post functional is as vacuous as post modern, ultimately these labels are not meaningful.

I agree on that.

Many things considered the domain of "functional" languages these days, like typeclasses and higher-kinded types are supported in Scala.

Saying that Scala is 'not really functional' is more or less denying OCaml, F#, SML (in fact, pretty much every language except Haskell, Idris, ...) the status of a functional language.

F# at least pushes you into a functional style; its support for classes is just interop; this is as opposed to Scala, which really innovates on Java OO. OCaml is specifically OO (hence the O in the name), though with lots of functional features. SML and Scheme...are SML and Scheme. They don't fit nicely into OO or FP buckets.

Would you consider C# to be a functional language? It has lazy streams, generators, and good support for list comprehensions? Or is it just an OO language with functional features?

If you consider a language to be more functional, because it forces you to use functional approaches even where it produces an inferior solution, then F# will certainly win this comparison.

Just have a look at F#'s higher-order functions for collections to see what I mean.

I consider a language "functional" if it allows me to write good functional code. Scala supports that by enabling me to choose good object-oriented code instead of bad functional code where it makes sense. (There a certainly other approaches to enable good functional code.)

I wouldn't consider C# functional, because it lacks purity, higher-kinded types, useful type inference, first-class functions, good support for immutability, dependent types and typeclasses.

(Note that I'm not saying that functional language need to support all of this. But a language which supports none of those items: I think we can make a clear call in that case.)

The point is that I can use Scala as an OOPL without ever dabbling very much in functional programming (beyond as much as I do in C#). I can't, however, do that with F#, and believe me...I really want a Scala-like language for .NET so I can move on from C#.

> I wouldn't consider C# functional, because it lacks purity, higher-kinded types, useful type inference, first-class functions, good support for immutability, dependent types and typeclasses.

C# has first class functions and has had them for a long time. C# also has real value types via structs, allowing more efficiency with FP styles, better than what Scala can provide on the JVM. Generics in C# are also reified, vs. erasure in Scala, so your run-time and static type system is the same.

Scala has better local type inference than C# (though non-determinstic...), but lacks global type inference like ML, Haskell. Scala also doesn't support general dependent types, settling for a much weaker (must still useful) path dependency. Path dependency is a very OO friendly feature, and in fact really amplifies OOP in general; whereas for FP, path dependency's benefits is limited to records.

> I really want a Scala-like language for .NET so I can move on from C#.

You can't have one because:

> Generics in C# are also reified, vs. erasure in Scala

The fact that this is true of C# vs. Java -- or perhaps more critically .NET vs. the JVM -- is why you can't have a Scala-like language on .NET (its specifically why you don't have Scala itself on .NET, which was a thing, but foundered on this problem.) Reified generics on a platform are great so long as all your (statically-typed) languages have type system just like the one assumed for the platform, but they ruin the interop story for any other type system, and a Scala-like language without a good interop story with the rest of the ecosystem would be pointless.

> The point is that I can use Scala as an OOPL without ever dabbling very much in functional programming (beyond as much as I do in C#).

So a language is automatically not functional, because other supported paradigms in that language don't suck?

So if OO in OCaml, F# wouldn't suck, they wouldn't be functional either?

> C# has first class functions and has had them for a long time.

I'd say C#'s functions are slightly better than Java's. The distinction between Action and Func is a terrible hack, and both of them are just a thin syntactic layer over delegates. Is that really first-class? They don't even provide function composition in the standard library.

> Generics in C# are also reified, vs. erasure in Scala, so your run-time and static type system is the same.

Bad luck for F#, I guess. Just ask them how much fun it is having to support two different kinds of Generics.

> Scala has [...]

As mentioned, that list wasn't a claim that Scala supports all of them (I think not even Haskell gets all the points).

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