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I've always found that the people who write the AbstractFactoryFactorySomethingVisitor patterns are the people who read about design patterns and want to use them for the sake of using them, because they think it makes them better developers.

Instead they should learn about design principles, and instead of thinking "which pattern should I apply here", they should be thinking, "what is the best way to create this code so that the basic design principles are upheld". You can start with SOLID principles and go from there.

The same happens with language features; when generics were introduced, everyone wanted a generic class for some reason when it's almost never needed outside of the Collections framework (bit of a sweeping statement but I hope you see what I mean).

In fairness, I don't think it's really Java's fault, only that it's been around long enough for there to be many more examples of this kind of thing. I've been working in Java for 15 years and C# as my day job for the last 3 - you can easily pick out examples in C# where the langauge has been abused: dreadful LINQ expressions where a simple for-loop would suffice (and be quicker), or multiple Events added to a class, ALL of which need to be hooked up by calling classes for it to be usable, so an Observer really would, actually, have been a better solution.

I've played around with functional programming and there are a lot of claims around how it forces programmers to write better code. I'm not sure how it's going to stop programmers abusing language features or the language characteristics, though. I may well be wrong about that and am happy to be put right by a knowledgable FP dude.

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