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Trnio – Turn your iPhone into a 3D scanner (trnio.com)
79 points by showwebgl on July 19, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

Hopefully doesn't do what 123catch does and upload everything you scan to their public database. Looks a lot like it does.

It's free.

In 2 years they can sell a big 3D dick collection.

Presumably you mean a big collection.

We have a private mode where scans are hidden.

You need better in app instructions. A user should not have to watch a video in order to figure out how to complete or save a scan.

In only a couple steps and mere seconds, and you'll be able to get hi-resolution photo quality 3D scans.

That is pretty vague, and it's listed under a picture also showing a DSLR. Does this mean you can use your DSLR with this app somehow or is it rather marketing (trying to make you believe a phone camera is in the same quality department as an SLR)?

I liked searching through other people's pictures in this app. They're really cool! Unfortunately for me right now, this app requires a lot of effort and I wouldn't use it unless someone REALLY needed a 3D image of something I was doing.

Might work better in a B2B space where international teams could share prototypes, ideas, etc. faster and cheaper with this app. I'm thinking about my last gig in automotive where our Japan team would mock-up protoypes and take pictures. It would've been much more useful to see 3D images!

Is there anything like this for android?

The Naval Research Laboratory built an app that can 3D map a room on an Android phone: http://www.technologyreview.com/view/429394/placeraider-the-...

Google is building a phone to make it very accurate: https://www.google.com/atap/projecttango/#project

This might enable it if anyone wants to build the app: http://octomap.github.io/


Wow, very nice links, thanks. No idea why you're being down-voted.


I wonder if it can create output suitable for 3d printers

The app allows for free downloads of any 3D model. We've printed these models out with minimal work using Netfabb and Makerware.


That's the only way that I feel like this program (and similar ones) would be useful at all... It needs to be able to output a file that can be imported into 3d modeling programs and 3d printer slicers.

Great app! One of the best 3D scanning options available for your iphone without needing any specific add-on.

From testing this on iOS 8, I'd say you released the app too soon. Taking photos took very long, it crashed, I don't know what happens to the photos I take (where they will end up) and UI needs lots of polishing. The 3D tech side of it looked cool, though.

The first few iOS betas are notoriously rough. It's like this every new version of iOS - it takes a few betas for Apple to work out major issues. Through almost all of the iOS 7 betas, Spotify crashed every time I tried to use the volume up/down buttons on my headphones.

I wouldn't blame these guys.

iOS 8 is beta, they are totally fine about not supporting it there.

There's a massive problem where people install the iOS betas and then proceed to leave 1-star reviews all of the App Store because programs don't work as expected. There isn't really any way to combat it, either.

I've seen quality programs lose at least one star on the store because of idiots who don't understand what beta means but "ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO" run prerelease software.

Apple disabled reviews for iOS 8 Beta users.

Did they? If so, that's a huge improvement over the iOS 7 beta release.

Although I suspect that it does nothing for those who add reviews through iTunes on the computer rather than through App Store on the device!

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