> I didn't realise Nimrod had this feature, so I might need to take another look at it.
Yeah, it has it to a certain extent. But it's a minefield at the moment, and will never be as good as Idris for instance. But I'm sure it will good enough for bit vectors.
> I'm not sure why you'd say that? ...
You're right, I was thinking procedures, but wrote functions. A pure function is of course an excellent abstraction of combinatorial logic. A procedure could potential abstract sequential logic as well, with some restrictions/modifications.. but you really want other abstractions.
> Bluespec took the approach of modifying Haskell syntax to look like Verilog.
I'm very suspicious of this approach. If you expect Verilog but get something quite different, it could cause frustration. But I haven't tried Bluespec, so I shouldn't criticize too much. I suppose it's the only way they had a hope of getting more adoption.
Yeah, it has it to a certain extent. But it's a minefield at the moment, and will never be as good as Idris for instance. But I'm sure it will good enough for bit vectors.
> I'm not sure why you'd say that? ...
You're right, I was thinking procedures, but wrote functions. A pure function is of course an excellent abstraction of combinatorial logic. A procedure could potential abstract sequential logic as well, with some restrictions/modifications.. but you really want other abstractions.
> Bluespec took the approach of modifying Haskell syntax to look like Verilog.
I'm very suspicious of this approach. If you expect Verilog but get something quite different, it could cause frustration. But I haven't tried Bluespec, so I shouldn't criticize too much. I suppose it's the only way they had a hope of getting more adoption.