It's a pretty thin story of harassment. As far as I can tell, the security guards erred in that they said he couldn't take photos from a public place. From there, they took down his registration and submitted a report. The FBI gets this report and talks to him to sort things out. There's no mention of further contact after this.
It really doesn't matter how many companies he's been a senior VP of - and in fact, it's kind've unsettling that this is prominent in these stories, painting him as some sort of de facto nobility who should get treatment better than an anonymous person. Guards fucked up, pinged him for taking a photo when they shouldn't have. FBI checks the story out, and doesn't seem to have progressed after that one contact, ten years ago.
'Suspicion' is just that. It's not harassment unless it's ongoing.
It really doesn't matter how many companies he's been a senior VP of - and in fact, it's kind've unsettling that this is prominent in these stories, painting him as some sort of de facto nobility who should get treatment better than an anonymous person. Guards fucked up, pinged him for taking a photo when they shouldn't have. FBI checks the story out, and doesn't seem to have progressed after that one contact, ten years ago.
'Suspicion' is just that. It's not harassment unless it's ongoing.