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Show HN: Chrome extension that hides Medium.com articles on HN and DN (chrome.google.com)
22 points by DGCA on July 14, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

Out of curiosity, why do some people want to hide Medium articles?

Its not the articles, its the platform (and its aesthetics). Medium is not meant for things like code samples and shoehorning them in leads to these fullwidth blocks which are hard to read. The fullwidth images and embeds are also somewhat annoying.

There are better places to reproduce your content

edit, fixing a typo

so you would rather hide the "content" because you dont like how it's presented?

Why do you care what other people are hiding?

Because it's dumb and I don't like dumb things and it's frustrating that people spend their time on dumb things when there are so many non-dumb things that they could do instead. Clutters up HN & the Chrome Store and reinforces dumb thinking.

At this point, I guess I'm honored to be downvoted. This community is trending toward pathetic.

Someone requested it on DN because they prefer to visit Medium directly. I made it pretty much because I could. To be honest, I have it installed but keep it off.

Because they are idiots. Seriously. Medium articles are not super-prevalent (4 in top 200 right now). And tend to be more thoughtful than much of the content that shows up here.

Or maybe just, you know, don't click them?

I just submitted something I wrote on Medium. Did I break some rule?

Not at all, there's a ton of good content on Medium. This was just a little project, not some commentary on Medium as a platform.

Probably not. People are weirdly picky and want their vision of the best possible 30 articles to always be on the front page.

And what about an extension to hide "Show HN" posts?

It'd be pretty easy to mod this to do that. I can't tell if you're being snarky but I could actually do that if you really want me to. I could also change the alert to read "# dreams were crushed."

I sort of want to see this extension exist, just for the caption....

I think it would be better to use GreaseMonkey for this than having an extension.

I really like being able to turn it on/off just by clicking the icon. Also, Chrome. You're right, though, it'd make a good GreaseMonkey script.

Tampermonkey is great for this kind of stuff on Chrome. Provides quick toggle for userscripts too.


Why? What's wrong with an article that just happens to be hosted on medium?

Some people like to visit Medium directly, some people try to avoid Medium altogether. This is for them.

Exactly what I was thinking. What is the value of removing medium articles from HN/DN?

I accidentally have something similar: since I have ghostery on and it blokes some adobe typekit JS, medium.com articles are all blank except for the top image for me.

At first I thought this is an oversight on their part for not providing a web safe font fallback, but they do. Maybe it's because when ghostery blocks the url, so the browser thinks the font exists and doesn't fall back to the next one somehow.

I have no idea, it's somewhat intermittent. Anyway it's very annoying and it's making me avoid medium somehow.

Maybe this is for folks who already see a lot of Medium articles on Twitter, etc. and want less saturation of Medium articles.

That's definitely one of the target audiences :)

So why do people dislike Medium.com articles?

Maybe he works for Quartz or Vox!

I don't. That'd be a hell of a competitive strategy, though.

Reminds me of those IRC bots that would automatically ban AOL subscribers...

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