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Unikernels: Rise of the Virtual Library Operating System (acm.org)
83 points by pietrofmaggi on July 12, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Some good comments prior of MirageOS https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7726748

I have always thought that development should be something like this. The only thing you need to resolve is how to handle proprietary source code.

Oh and also what if everyone doesn't want to code in ocaml?

I think we need something similar but built on a type of ontology or description logics or something that represents the program in a common way that is not tied to a particular language representation or model. So I would start with research that does automated program generation in Ocaml and create a semantic model of those concepts.

You want to convert the functions from mirageos into this common knowledge representation in a way that integrates with the program generation ontology.

You then want to create a projectional editing system which allows for different representations including but not limited to ocaml.

There are also: - Erlang on Xen (http://erlangonxen.org/) - Haskell Lightweight Virtual Machine (http://corp.galois.com/halvm)

Oh and also what if everyone doesn't want to code in ocaml?

Then you'd probably be looking for Cloudius OSv, which is written in C++ and runs mainly JVM apps (but is essentially the same idea). http://osv.io/

The guy who headed the project was interviewed recently in a podcast: http://www.se-radio.net/2014/05/episode-204-anil-madhavapedd... , he provided some very interesting insights into the MirageOS, Unikernels and Ocaml

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