Bingo! I2C is just 4 wires, but getting that data out is the trick. You have hiccups in the transmission, some bit flips, and then the actual data to contend with.
Signal to noise is actually pretty easy, just have a Fourier transform to pick out the differences between a background you set before. Typical applications are pretty immune and the ratios are very high usually.
See, I have no trouble reliably getting the data out of the sensor and into a variable. But I can't implement the fft() in C for the life of me, and even if I could, my little itty-bitty microcontrollers probably don't have that level of number crunching.
Ahhh! Yes, I do all the post processing off the chip. You could play with a ...oh geeze, its Friday, what are they called...? The things that configure themselves to be a circuit and can only be configured once. Jeeze, sorry on the name here. JFET maybe? I'm sorry. Try arduino as a good intro. I think they have some fft libraries.
Signal to noise is actually pretty easy, just have a Fourier transform to pick out the differences between a background you set before. Typical applications are pretty immune and the ratios are very high usually.