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I'm really excited to get these screencasts out the door. I'm also interested in episode suggestions from you guys who are either using Go or wanting to learn Go.

I would love to see an episode about effectively using or not using panic, understanding goroutine stack traces, etc. An episode about Go debugging in general i guess.

Or even I'll be glad to read simple examples about goroutines and channels in a "proper way". Sure, there are a lot of examples out there but everyone seems to have their own way to handle those.

Since we're in a world of polyglots, and many people are transitioning langs always, I find its helpful to have comparisons and benchmarks so people can find equivalencies.

* Going from Python to Golang, and how to setup a Flask like workflow.

* Create a REST API in Golang coming from a NodeJS and Express background.

I find it always really helps to construct working useful projects or examples that people have done before in other langs.

I second this. One for Rubyists coming from, say, Sinatra would be great.

Or maybe focusing on the language transition separately from the tools/library transition: "the X things that will hurt your head transitioning from Y to Go"

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