A few days ago I applied for a senior Full stack developer in a mid size company. HR interview went great, I had a quick code test on paper that went OK as well, and a quite long technical interview that went great.
The day after the HR sent me an coding test that involved creating a simple memory game in JS with a tiny back end to store high scores. So I banged out this code as fast as possible, while trying to emphasis on maintainability and testability. I sent back the result as github repo:
Didn't hear back for a few days but eventually arrived a mail stating that "this code felt far short from a senior developer standards" and obviously didn't get the job. I know I cut a few corners, no unit testing, a couple of minor bug and obviously not a production ready app but I thought that would be enough to show that I knew how to build a web app without spending 2 days on it.
I couldn't manage to get any more info from them on what they meant by "falling far short of senior developer standards" So what in your opinion went so wrong about the code?
tl;dr: I agree with the assessment that this doesn't look like the kind of code I'd expect of a senior developer.
The biggest issue from my POV is that you pull in a _lot_ of heavy-weight frameworks and implicit dependencies for what could be a really simple app. To actually examine the application logic of your submission, I have to flip through dozens of auto-generated PHP files, Javascript module wrappers, and empty directories.
Sometimes, calling yourself a "senior" engineer means doing less, not more. The layers of indirection, framework code, and build toolchain applied here make it harder to follow what your code is actually doing. Coupled with a lack of unit tests, it seems impossible to verify in any short amount of time that it actually works as promised.
Even with all that MVC goodness, the separation of concerns on the client isn't great. There's a mix of display logic and app state visible in lots of places. (IMHO game.js is the worst offender here, as the entire game state and DOM rendering are mixed pretty indiscriminately.)
Finally, asking a reviewer to run a bunch of code from an untrusted repo via 'sudo' is pretty much a giant red flag for me. A simple JS+PHP webapp shouldn't require me to do anything as root on my machine. (I'm also not familiar with Composer, but my brief skimming of the homepage, it seems like the whole point is to not require system-wide installation of dependencies, so the sudo bit is especially weird.)
It looks functional, and if you were interviewing specifically at a shop that used these frameworks and tools, it might not be so bad. If asked to review this without that context, though, I would give similar feedback to what you received.