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Indian Govt. draft policy to make govt. funded research publicly available [pdf] (dbtindia.nic.in)
4 points by iglookid on July 5, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

TL;DR (to the best of my understanding) :

- Research supported by govt. funds will be required to be made open access, or to be submitted to some public repository.

- Research can be made open access by publishing in an open access journal, or by paying an open access fee to a subscription journal. The government will _not_ fund the fee.

- The public repository can be one run by the researcher's institution. If such a repository is not available, then there will be one run by the government as well.

- Comments/questions are being invited here:

--- Muthu Madhan, "EPT Award winner for the promotion of open access in developing and transition countries": madhan.dbt@nic.in

- The following are very approachable as well:

--- Dr. K VijayRaghavan, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology: vijay.dbt@nic.in, https://www.facebook.com/kvijayraghavan

--- Department of Biotechnology: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Department-of-Biotechnology-I..., https://twitter.com/DBTIndia

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