I really wish I was able to get more out of that talk. Sure, it is nice that Google cares about security, but their advice for developers seems to be:
1) Enable TLS
2) Don't ignore chrome/android warnings
Really Google? There isn't anything else more interesting or useful to say? Sure, both of those two points are important, but I would wager a very significant percentage of people in the room (and people watching online) already know both of those points, probably already implement them, and were watching in the hopes that they glean some new useful bit of information.
I agree. I expected rich technical details but only to see the showcasing of number and charts perhaps more about what is Google Scale than how to perform security upon that.
Really Google? There isn't anything else more interesting or useful to say? Sure, both of those two points are important, but I would wager a very significant percentage of people in the room (and people watching online) already know both of those points, probably already implement them, and were watching in the hopes that they glean some new useful bit of information.