I am a product manager in a startup and we are about to release our MVP. Our team has worked hard and I want to recognize some individuals that worked hard to get it out on schedule. For obvious reasons I need to keep it simple & cheap but also want to make it something that our guys would take pride in receiving. The only thing that comes to mind are stickers like those seen on helmets that college football teams give to players that made big contributions. I know Ohio State & Florida State are two examples the come to mind. I would love any suggestions you all have.
Edit: Would love to give raises and days off but given 1) we are in a startup and 2) I am their peer not their boss, neither of those are options at the moment. Also, I should have added this to my original question, I have tried to be steadfast with my verbal encouragement & praise as we have been picking up momentum. Therefore I was looking for anything that would be meaningful in addition to that.
The best reward you can give is your respect and appreciation, especially if given publicly, signaling that you value that person. You'll be a stronger team if you can show true appreciation for one another.
(PS: Take the team out for beer too, obviously :) )