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Unofficial Google Cardboard Kit (dodocase.com)
99 points by prbuckley on June 26, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 39 comments

Happy to answer any questions people have on the kit, our product page seems to be hiding the description so here are some more details.

We did the math and it costs over $45 to order all those bits and pieces Google suggested, and that doesn't even include shipping from 4 different vendors.

We are gathering all the pieces you will need to assemble your own Google cardboard VR goggle (minus the smartphone). We precut the cardboard and you should be able to assemble all the pieces in under 5 minutes. Easy Peezy. Get cracking and place your order.

Here is what comes in your kit.. - Precut cardboard - Lenses - Magnet - Velcro - Rubberband - upgrade for optional NFC tag (not included in base kit)

estimated delivery 4-6 weeks

As it stands right now, it seems to be highly misleading. If I hadn't read your comment I could be misled to believe that you are selling the 'Official' version for the following reasons:

1- Using Google's own images.

2- Nothing indicating that it isn't official.

It is at worse maliciously misleading, at best misguided. You should correct that.

All of that copy in my comment is suppose to be displayed on the product page but Shopify seems to be broken at the moment. We are not trying to mislead anyone.

Google released all the drawings and is encouraging people to build these, we just want to help make that easier.

Will it be identical to the one from Google? I don't want to buy it blindly.

dwild, we will cut exactly from the same patterns Google provided. All parts will be equal or better in quality.

Also just added unofficial to the title of the post to avoid any confusion.

Wow, really glad I read the comments before I put in my credit card info. Four to six weeks, you must be out of your mind. If you don't get that one the site fast you're going to have a whole lot of angry people on your hands.

working on that, I think we should be able to deliver faster I just don't want to dissapoint anyone.

If you don't deliver before 4 weeks, chances are all the credit card pre-authorizations would be void anyways. With Stripe, it's even shorter.

Unless you plan on capturing the funds at order time instead of shipment time?

Thanks for the heads up on this.

Hey from where are you shipping this from ?? I mean r manufacturing ??

We have a factory in San Francisco which is where we will make and ship these kits from.

> estimated delivery 4-6 weeks

Sorry, in the age of near-immediate gratification from Amazon, up to 42 days until I see the product I paid for is a huge turn off.

Cut that down to 5-7 days and I'll have my wallet out in seconds.

I can appreciate the eagerness to get everything instantly. However I hope you can appreciate that physically cutting and shipping lots of stuff that was only announced to the world 12 hours ago takes time. I wish hardware was as easy as pushing something to Git hub but unfortunatly it is not.

You are always welcome to go order the parts and cut the cardboard yourself.


Most likely we will use a laser cutter but if we get enough orders we will have them diecut.

Also a cutting plotter would dull very quickly cutting through corrugated so edges would not be as clean.

>Sorry, in the age of near-immediate gratification from Amazon, up to 42 days until I see the product I paid for is a huge turn off.

If you frequently find yourself angry that you can't buy a new package Amazon-style less than 12 hours from its announcement to the general public, I would suggest you seek professional help as you might be able to improve your impulse control.

"a huge turn off" != "find yourself angry"

I agree the parent's attitude is a bit silly, but you are putting words in their mouth.

What lenses are you using? That seems like the crux of the matter.

Right I can't seem to be able to order the NFC tag variant:

Cannot find variant (request_id: e6778ba4-1faa-41fa-96da-f666ee6c2073)

sorry we were just messing around with trying to fix the product description thing. Try going back to product page and adding to cart again and it should work.

Thanks, ordered.

Will there be a tablet version as well (Nexus 7 2013)?

Your turnaround on this is awesome. Down with people complaining on the delivery time. :)

Thank you, I appreciate the support. We are lucky enough to have our own factory here in San Francisco so can hop on oppurtunities like these quickly, one of the benefits of DIY manufacturing.

$23 to ship to Australia. Just a bit too steep sorry mate.

yeah, sorry about that. international shipping is pretty difficult. Let me look into it and see if we can adjust that.

drop me a line at my name @ easypost if you want a hand looking into some of the shipping options - I think it's amazing that you guys are offering this a few hours after the announcement!

sorry, nothing we can really do about that unless we get a ton of orders from australia and stock a wearhouse there.

No problem. If you do get a ton of orders from Australia and set up a warehouse, let me know!

how much for a shipment to Japan? The website doesn't seem to know this country...

Wow, that was really fast. I kind of suspected someone would do this, I even considered doing something similar myself after I heard the announcement. Really clever and nice work guys. Curious to see how these actually fare and if we'll see an enthusiast community is spawned from Google Cardboard and the community itself works to improve the insanely simple and awesome concept.

I had heard rumors that regular use of Oculus can cure motion sickness that people experience in cars/etc through desensetization. Anyone have any first-hand reports on this question?

If so, I'm tempted to buy a kit like this (from these guys or someone else) and use that to self-medicate.

Placed my order, can't wait to try it out. I think what you guys are doing is great, I can see how it would take a bit of time to mass produce. Besides, you save money and don't need to go to ebay and spend $100 on official ones. Keep rocking it gents!

can you sell just the lenses without the rest of the setup for a lower cost/faster ship time? Many people (including myself) want to build their own, but are having a massive amount of trouble finding the lenses as the original set google linked to sold out almost immediately. Also, what are the specifications of the lenses you use? Thanks

Kudos on impressive turnaround time.

Being in UK, I will not order. Hopefully somebody will make those here.

so why do we need that? there are a lot of origami examples, but this one from google, and you all start to bustle.

I'm too lazy^H^H^H^Hbusy and I don't want to be sourcing the lenses, NFC tag, etc. This is great for me.

Are the folds going to be pressed in?

Wow that was quick.

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