Sorry I mean the web version. It really is impossible to do both.
On mobile? I think it's even worse. Look up your nearest favorite chain and it zooms in on what it believes is the one you're looking for. What if it's not? There's a tiny 3 lines in the search bar that I apparently have to click to list all locations.
And anytime I snap to location? It zooms in. Really I'd love to just write the few lines of code it takes to toggle between current zoom level and default zoom level when snapping to location.
And they've stripped features. New UI is fine but at least keep old features nestled around somewhere. I used to be able to look up directions and then nestled in settings view "gas stations along the way". It's near impossible to do that now.
If you're not seeing traffic all the time, it either means:
- there's no congestion at all in the route that you picked
- you have a different version of maps than the latest one in the play store
- you didn't select driving directions, but either bus, walking, biking or something else.
- traffic for your location/city is simply not supported.