and some ligatures that in German word have to be used or not depending on whether the letters of the signature seperate syllables or not.
Consider the German words "Tatzeit" (time of the crime) and "Tatze" (paw). For Tatzeit you must not use an tz ligature since the z is the beginning of a new syllable. On the other hand for "Tatze" you have to use the tz ligature.
So the Fraktur ligatures carry a meaning on the pronunciation of the German words that is lost when writing them in Antiqua.
Nitpick on the nitpick: You could not take a German text and change the font type to get proper Fraktur typesetting. It involves using some different rules (final s and inner "s"), ligatures that are context sensitive as well as different punctuation and font "markup" (no bold font but Sperrsatz, etc.).