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Show HN: Fast.js – faster reimplementations of native JavaScript functions (github.com/codemix)
323 points by phpnode on June 24, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 162 comments

Reminds me of this comment by Petka Antonov on native V8 Promises being way slower than Bluebird[1]:

>I'd expect native browser methods to be an order of magnitude faster.

Built-ins need to adhere to ridiculous semantic complexity which only gets worse as more features get added into the language. The spec is ruthless in that it doesn't leave any case as "undefined behavior" - what happens when you use splice on an array that has an indexed getter that calls Object.observe on the array while the splice is looping?

If you implemented your own splice, then you probably wouldn't even think of supporting holed arrays, observable arrays, arrays with funky setters/getters and so on. Your splice would not behave well in these cases but that's ok because you can just document that. Additionally, since you pretty much never need the return value of splice, you can just not return anything instead of allocating a wasted array every time (you could also make this controllable from a parameter if needed).

Already with the above, you could probably reach the perf of "native splice" without even considering the fact that user code is actually optimized and compiled into native code. And when you consider that, you are way past any "native" except when it comes to special snowflakes like charCodeAt, the math functions and such.

Thirdly, built-ins are not magic that avoid doing any work, they are normal code implemented by humans. This is biggest reason for the perf difference specifically in the promise case - bluebird is extremely carefully optimized and tuned to V8 optimizing compiler expectations whereas the V8 promise implementation[2] is looking like it's directly translated from the spec pseudo-code, as in there is no optimization effort at all.

[1]: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6697#issuecomme...

[2]: https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/promise.js

His "optimization killers" article is also really insightful: https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-k...

> Additionally, since you pretty much never need the return value of splice, you can just not return anything instead of allocating a wasted array every time

That kind of optimization seems easily done with a builtin as well: have an option to return the array, and only do so if the JavaScript engine indicates that the calling code actually uses the return value.

That seems like something well suited to compile-to-js languages like Coffeescript. It could substitute cases as you mentioned with fast.js equivalent functions.

CoffeeScript inserts calls to native `indexOf` all over the place. After seeing this I'm wondering if there's an easy way to shim fast.js in there?

This itself reminds me of similar performance issues hidden in C++. The float->int cast on x86 with Microsoft's compiler called a helper library function 'ftol'. Turns out this does loads of stuff to be spec compliant. Replacing it with a single not-spec-but-works-for-us x86 assembly instruction to convert was way faster.

So not just JS - it seems language built-ins are often slowed down by bureaucratic spec compliance, and hand-rolling code can help you get a speedup.

Specialisation in JavaScript JITs make these faster, since they don't even compile in that supporting code.

Whereas the builtin ones implemented in C++ do keep all the code in there.

This is why even full implementations written in JavaScript can be faster than C++.

Today i was refactoring some js code that rendered a graph to svg. It was taking several seconds in some cases, and the developer had done a bunch of micro-optimizations, inlining functions, building caches to avoid nested loops, and so on.

I ran a profile. The code ran for 2.5 seconds, 4 ms of which in the micro-optimized js code, the rest updating the dom, five times all over again. Needless to say that i threw out all the micro-optimizations, halving the number of lines, and fixed it so the dom was updated once.

Anyway, the point i'm making is this: you should micro-optimize for readability and robustness, not performance, unless profiling shows it's worth it. I haven't known a case where pure (non-dom, non-xhr) js code needed micro-optimization for performance in half a decade.

Having written a major HTML5 game engine, I've ended up micro-optimizing JS code after small functions really did show up high in profiling measurements. One example: calculating a bounding box from a quad involved code along the lines of Math.min(a, b, c, d) followed by Math.max(a, b, c, d). Replacing that with a tree of ifs to determine both the minimum and maximum at once was faster and moved the bottleneck elsewhere.

You're better off just minimizing your JS if you didn't do that. It's browser render speed that kills you in vidjagames, not function speed.

I have done some optimizations using the Safari Debugger alongside with Chrome's, because I needed to access an iPad.

Safari counts and profiles ALL function invocation, so if you go looking for hotspots with it's profiler, you always get the parts where many functions are called. I consider this harmful.

I stumbled over this. Maybe other developers did too.

An ignorant question -- why do people prefer to render graphics to SVG/DOM, when that's such a noticeable performance bottleneck?

Depends on what you're doing. On mobile, those can end up providing much faster user interactions than doing everything via canvas (which it seems is your proposed alternative).

For example, with IE on Win8, your DOM UI is actually composed of DirectComposition layers, and touch manipulations (pan, zoom, swipe, etc) are performed entirely on a separate thread from your UI+JS using DirectManipulation and a kernel feature called delegate input threads, controlling animations of the composition layers on yet another (composition) thread. You'll have a heck of a time matching that with canvas and mouse/touch/pointer events on your lone JS UI thread and the dozens of responsibilities it's signed up for.

Again, it depends a great deal on what you're doing. And it's a trade-off for sure... DOM is expensive, and if you're doing something too complicated then having panning and hit-testing on another thread doesn't help if the user ends up seeing large unpainted regions for a while, or if you make your startup time painful by trying to build a complex scene upfront. But you asked, so I answered :-)

There are also other important considerations:

1) It's easier (at least until we get some awesome UI frameworks on top of canvas, if that works out well).

2) It's compatible with older browser versions.

3) DOM layouts and controls support various accessibility features, input modalities, etc.

4) There's a huge library of tools/utilities/reusable components all designed specifically for it.

(I used IE/Win8 as an example because I'm familiar with how that works in great detail. Last I knew no other platforms were that aggressively optimized in those respects but presumably some are part way there)

I can't speak for others, but if you write browser apps/websites for a generic audience you basically have no choice. The reason consist of two letters: IE

But IE didn't support SVG either until recently? If I read right, it was supported since the same version as HTML5 canvas (IE 9),



Tools like http://raphaeljs.com/ allow you to support older versions of IE.

But likewise you can use excanvas.js to let your canvas code run on IE (emulates it using VML)

It is true, you can probably stop supporting IE8 depending on your audience.

[UPDATE: also I was reading SVG/DOM as an or]

I think in most cases where you'd worry about JS array performance you should use actual numeric arrays [0] rather than the kitchen sink Array(). Also, I think those function abstractions have a pretty significant overhead?

[0] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Type...

(edit): Yeah, the abstraction overhead is ridiculous. Here's the forEach() benchmark again, compared to an explicit for loop (no function calls):

    // new benchmark in bench/for-each.js    

    exports['explicit iteration'] = function() {
        acc = 0;
        for (var j=0; j<input.length; ++j) {
            acc += input[j];

  Native .forEach() vs fast.forEach() vs explicit iteration
    ✓  Array::forEach() x 2,101,860 ops/sec ±1.50% (79 runs sampled)
    ✓  fast.forEach() x 5,433,935 ops/sec ±1.12% (90 runs sampled)
    ✓  explicit iteration x 28,714,606 ops/sec ±1.44% (87 runs sampled)

    Winner is: explicit iteration (1266.15% faster)
(I ran this on Node "v0.11.14-pre", fresh from github).

I used this in a Firefox OS app, inside an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm and an accompanying binary heap, and while I haven't run any rigorous benchmarks, I can say the runtime felt way better on my test phone when I rewrote the algorithm to use the typed arrays.

This is very often overlooked but extremely useful for implementations of fast algorithms in JavaScript that should scale to a lot of input data.

One other micro optimization for you. Assuming the length of the array does not change in the operation, this is usually faster:

    for (var j=0, len=input.length; j < len; ++j) {
This prevents rechecking the array length on every iteration.

I actually didn't get any speedup with that one -- looks like V8 can optimize that already. But you're right, that's an important one on some browsers.

You can squeeze out another factor of 2 with typed arrays:

    var input_typed = new Uint32Array(input)
    exports['numeric typed array'] = function() {
        var acc = 0;
        for (var j=0; j<input_typed.length; ++j) {
            acc += input_typed[j];

    ✓  Array::forEach() x 1,999,244 ops/sec ±2.93% (84 runs sampled)
    ✓  fast.forEach() x 5,161,137 ops/sec ±2.05% (85 runs sampled)
    ✓  explicit iteration x 27,851,200 ops/sec ±1.32% (86 runs sampled)
    ✓  explicit iteration w/precomputed array limit x 28,567,527 ops/sec ±1.33% (86 runs sampled)
    ✓  numeric typed array x 42,951,837 ops/sec ±0.97% (88 runs sampled)

    Winner is: numeric typed array (2048.40% faster)

And probably more still if you can figure out the asm.js incantation that makes everything statically typed.

The optimisation mentioned by the grandparent is specific to looping overso-called "live" collections of the DOM. NodeList [0] is sometimes a live collection, and is the return type of querySelectorAll, so it's likely you've dealt with this type of collection.

The reason it incurs an overhead is because the DOM is traversed every single time the property is read, to ensure nothing has changed. You can see why caching the length is a reasonable optimisation, as you're unlikely to be modifying the collection while looping.

[0] https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/NodeList

Exactly. Although, I am curious if there's a reason the JS engine (possibly working with the DOM implementation) can't optimize that to one look-up, if the JS in the loop doesn't change that part of the DOM or call anything that forces it to yield.

I suspect a lot of the optimization opportunity in browsers today is less about JS or DOM in isolation but more about ways they could work together to improve situations like this one.

(Note: I understand this one is solvable by a proficient/attentive developer, but not all developers are like that, and not all such DOM/JS transition problems are as easily solvable from your JS code)

The length is not recalculated on every pass. However it's slightly faster.


regarding your edit, you're exactly right, of course a for loop will be faster. Sometimes you really do need a function call though, in which case fast forEach and map implementations become more useful.

The next step for fast.js are some sweet.js macros which will make writing for loops a bit nicer, because it's pretty painful to write this every time you want to iterate over an object:

    var keys = Object.keys(obj),
        length = keys.length,
        key, i;
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      key = keys[i];
      // ...
I'd rather write:

   every key of obj {
     // ...
and have that expanded at compile time.

Additionally there are some cases where you must use inline for loops (such as when slicing arguments objects, see https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-k...) and a function call is not possible. These can also be addressed with sweet.js macros.

To be fair, it's not obvious if you're not a JS expert: coming from some other language, you could naively assume that function call gets inlined, with no overhead.

A few months ago, I tried some image processing with JS and the canvas object (big Arrays).

They have a structure like image[pixel].color

What I found was, always traversing the object structure was much slower than putting every pixel color as an argument in a function, that gets called every iteration.

So I had the impression, reasonable simple function, like a greyscale filter, get inlined by engines like V8.

You probably would have been better off with typed arrays and fragment shaders, if you were going for performance.

Aren't the arrays produced by a canvas object typed?

Yep, but they only become performant when you treat them as such instead of doing naive e.g. multiplication. See: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/12/faster-canvas-pixel-manipu...

Like any other compiler, function calls sometimes get inlined. And sometimes not. Depending on compiler heuristics of various sorts.

Note that 'in'

    for (key in object)
is for getting keys, in Firefox, meanwhile 'of'

     for (value of iterator)
is for getting values out of an Iterator.

Most of the array methods are explicitly defined in terms of indexing rather that iterators, so for(of) is incorrect. On the other hand indexing is still faster than iteration in the major implementations.

My comment were intended as a direct reply to phpnode's code, 'ignoring' the rest of the thread.

How do you mean when you state that for(of) is incorrect?

Perhaps this 'example' clears something up?

  « for (value in {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5}) console.log(value)
  » undefined
  « for (value of {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5}) console.log(value)
  × TypeError: ({a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4, e:5})['@@iterator'] is not a function

the only issue is i'd like to differentiate between iterating arrays and objects at the syntax level. Coffeescript uses `in` for arrays and `of` for objects, but I agree that becomes confusing. Open to other suggestions!

I've been spending some time thinking about CoffeeScript's choice for `in` and `of` and I think I have the answer: they should be more regular. One (probably `of`) should be used for the keys/indexes and the other (probably `in`) should be used for contents.

These are legal CoffeeScript examples:

    for key, value of object
    if key of object

    for value in array
    if value in array

    for index, value of array
    if index of array
The one that's missing is:

    for value in object
    if value in object

The issue with coffeescript is that it uses the opposite syntax to JS - `in` for arrays instead of objects. ES6 introduces the `of` keyword for real iterators so i don't really want to use that for either of them. It's tricky. There are other options but they're verbose

    every element as key, value from arr {
      console.log(key, value);

    every property as key, value from obj {
      console.log(key, value);

Thoughts on this?

    every [key, value] from arr {
      console.log(key, value);

    every {key, value} from obj {
      console.log(key, value);

    every [key] from arr {

    every {_, value} from obj {
Looks a bit cramped to me but I get the impression that array comprehension is one of the major reasons that people use Coffeescript, so perhaps it's not too much trouble?

There's also the issue with some fonts making it hard to differentiate between { and [ but it's an idea that might be worth to think about at least.

I quite like this suggestion. If we flip the key, value around to make it inline with what forEach etc do, then we don't need the placeholder for iterating without the key:

    fast-each [value] from arr {


    fast-each {value} from obj {

    fast-each [value, key] from arr {


    fast-each {value, key} from obj {

The disadvantage is that this looks like array comprehension but isn't.


    fast-properties key, value from obj {


    fast-elements index, value from arr {


    fast-properties value from obj {


    fast-elements value from arr {


That's a though one. I know I can't think of any that aren't either verbose or nondescript.

But if Coffescript can walk away with its choice then I don't think you'll have anything to worry about.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil -- Knuth

V8 has excellent profiling tools (exposed in chrome and in nodejs) which should be used first before considering fallbacks. Before seeking a third party library, be sure to check if the function is called many times or is taking a long time.

For example, I found that throwing map out and using a straight array (avoiding the function calls entirely) can be up to 50% faster than using the functional suspects. But that, in the eyes of some people, unnecessarily adds complexity to the code and may not be worth changing

> Premature optimization is the root of all evil -- Knuth

HN should have a bot that posts the full quote whenever this line is cited since it's so often abused.

"There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been identified."

Plus who said it was / should be used prematurely anyway?

> Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs

Isn't that essentially what I described? "Before seeking a third party library, be sure to check if the function is called many times or is taking a long time."

On the issue of this particular library: The problem is that you can do much much better by avoiding map, forEach and friends. The overhead of the function calls can be completely avoided by using a direct for loop at the callsite.

So yes, you may find it slightly faster to use this library rather than the native map, but with a small redesign you can avoid map entirely and get a massive performance win.

Swap to use a slightly faster function someone else already wrote, or rewrite your code. Seems like the latter is more guilty of premature optimisation if this library is fast enough for the particular use.

I think it's a bit unfair to label using a known fast library over a known slow library as "premature optimization". I would much rather start a project or feature with the coding standard of, "use the fast ones", rather than have to go back through all the code, profile it, and replace only the ones hurting performance.

> start a project or feature with the coding standard of, "use the fast ones"

Ironically, that involves certain habit changes that completely obviate the library:

1) avoid map. Just create an array and write a for loop directly at the callsite, putting the code in a block rather than as a separate function

2) avoid indexOf. For single-character indexOf, it's much faster and much more efficient to match the character code (loop and check charCodeAt) than to use the function form

3) avoid lastIndexOf. Same as indexOf, except you loop in the opposite direction.

4) avoid forEach. Learn to love the for loop.

5) avoid reduce. See forEach

Anyone embracing fast.js is sacrificing some performance to begin with.

Umm okay, but that rather misses the point.

The point of this library is that it provides the same behavior (for 99.99% of cases) and the same abstraction (so same readability / maintainability) as the functions it replaces, but with significantly better performance (for wildly varying degrees of "significantly" depending on usage).

I don't think the idea is that you profile your code and then micro-optimize it using this library. If you're doing that (which you should, for varying definition of "should"), then yes you will want to consider sacrificing the abstraction / brevity for performance.

However, this library seems like a handy way to maintain the abstraction, while gaining performance essentially for free without sacrificing anything worth mentioning. Then you profile (if you were going to / had time to / cared enough to) and optimize from a better starting point. Don't see anything wrong with that.

My opinion is that JavaScript applications aren't losing that much performance by the use of lodash or fast.js but the gain in code brevity and readability more than makes up for any slight performance reduction. (Especially in a large web app where the tiny lodash library can save you many KB of boilerplate).

And with regard to performance, for most Node.js code / webapps if you have a loop with so many iterations that _.map is significantly slower than a for loop then you might be doing something wrong.

I have a feeling that certain things (e.g., reduce) will suddenly become much more performant with tail call optimization coming in ES6.

Would tail call optimization help in this case? AFAIK JS's iteration methods aren't recursive.

Tail call optimization isn't just for recursive tail call optimization (though that is the most common scenario!).

It simply refers to 'unrolling' that function call, so a new function doesn't need to be added to the stack.

JS's iteration methods aren't currently recursive, at least in V8[0]. But that's probably due to lack of TCO!

0. https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/array.js#L1378

So basically treat most of your JavaScript logic/functions as if you were writing C?

No, but using a non-spec compliant implementation across the board because "it's faster" is definitely premature optimisation. This is the sort of stuff that should be kept for performance critical bits, not used application wide.

Yeah but it could be a premature optimization if you blindly decided to use a library because the cost of having to download it (in the case of browser JS) and/or parse (in the case of server JS) an extra script file may outweigh its performance benefits.

In addition fast.js functions are not functionally identical to the native functions, just close enough for typical usage.

It may be premature optimization to use a faster library when the faster library has known places where it differs from standard behaviour, and almost certainly lots of bugs.

I don't know much about fast.js in particular but in this case there might be an advantage of using the fast functions simply because they have simpler semantics. There are many bugs and inconsistencies that come up from people expecting that native methods behave the same as simple for-loops when they actually don't.


I'd agree with you if we were comparing apples to apples.

This is not the case with Fast.js as it breaks away from the language specifications. I'd much rather build, profile, and then optimize the few areas that actually require better performance than potentially introduce bugs by replacing the built-in methods.

As a person who works on a JS engine I can say that a lot of the speed up in this library is the failure to handle holes correctly - it's surprisingly expensive to do a hole check, although there's still room in most engines to optimise it, those checks are fairly time consuming :-/

You can version manually or automatically in the optimizing compiler inner loops of those builtins depending on the denseness / representation of the array backing store. Something along this lines: http://gist.io/7050013. Trace compiler could actually give such versioning for free automatically.

So I always putting this into not-done-yet category for JS VM related work and it is a very interesting problem to tackle.

This seems like a potential win for JS performance in real-world applications -- an optimization hint to indicate whether an array is "overwhelmingly full of holes" or something less sparse where more optimized versions of the functions can be used.

But then you need to check if you need to alter the flag that says whether the array is full of holes, which is itself an extra cost. It's hard to know what's an overall win, adding cost to save it elsewhere.

Amazing, the "performance tests" here operate on a list of only ten items long: https://github.com/codemix/fast.js/blob/master/bench/for-eac...

I'm sure that is a statistically valid way to measure performance.

you're right in that it's important to consider inputs of different sizes. I did this for the indexOf() functions, I'll do the same here, thanks!

To prove its worth, try showing a Real use case.

I wonder how these compare to the ones in lodash.

... and to lazy.js : http://danieltao.com/lazy.js/

Thanks, I hadn't come across this one before. Looks like they are expecting some API changes in the future though so I'll just bookmark this one for now.

Never heard of it, but seems very similar to Bacon.js (http://baconjs.github.io)

Wow, very cool. It seems to be linq for javascript, moreso than libraries that actually advertise themselves as linq for javascript.

Here's a jsperf of fast.js / lodash / native: http://jsperf.com/fast-vs-lodash

Thanks for that.

So looking at this in Firefox, the "fast" version underperforms the native one for forEach, bind, map, reduce, and concat. It outperforms native for indexOf/lastIndexOf.

In Chrome the "fast" version does better than the native one for indexOf, lastIndexOf, forEach, map, and reduce. It does worse on bind and concat.

It's interesting to compare the actual numbers across the browsers too. In Firefox, the numbers I see for forEach are:

  "fast": 47,688 
  native: 123,187
and the Chrome ones are:

  "fast": 71,070
  native: 20,112
Similarly, for map in Firefox I see:

  "fast": 17,532 
  native: 62,268
and in Chrome:

  "fast": 38,286
  native: 19,521
Interestingly, these two methods are actually implemented in self-hosted JS in both SpiderMonkey and V8, last I checked, so this is really comparing the performance of three different JS implementations.

Fixed the rawgit link to use the rawgit cdn


Native bind in Safari is much faster.

bind - fast 2,565,227 ±2.19%

bind - lodash 4,923,373 ±1.51%

bind - native 9,022,396 ±2.12%

on iPad this difference is even larger.

thanks for this! it looks like there's some room for improvement in the .map / .forEach implementations but the rest seems to stack up pretty well.

The native bind in Firefox is much faster than the fast.js one (not surprising, since it has explicit JIT support).

Thanks for that. I can tell the young pups to calm down.

It's fairly well-known that Array#forEach is up to an order of magnitude slower than a for-loop, across browsers. The usual reason given is the overhead of invoking a closure from the VM. A JS implementation of forEach ought to be somewhere in the middle.

The speed-up for "concat" is surprising to me. I wonder if it holds for "splice" and if that is true across browsers.

And it can be made even faster ;)


So the forEach magic that is so much faster is... a normal for loop:

  exports.forEach = function fastForEach (subject, fn, thisContext) {
    var length = subject.length,
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      fn.call(thisContext, subject[i], i, subject);
I knew that forEach was slower than a normal for loop but I was expecting something more.

Here's another one for you, one of my favorites that used to be drastic: http://jsperf.com/pipetrunc

    blah | 0; // fast!
    Math.floor(blah); // slow(er)! (except on FF nightly)
Caveat: Only works with numbers greater than -2147483649 and less than 2147483648.

Another caveat: for negative numbers, the bit-or rounds to zero while the floor rounds to negative infinity:

    > -0.5

    > (-0.5)|0

    > Math.floor(-0.5)

A fine example why this sort of "who needs the specs, FULL SPEED AHEAD" hyper-optimization can get people into trouble.

Caveat: if you see numbers in the range of 1,500,000,000 that means your code was thrown away by the optimizing compiler.

Microbenchmarks like that require a lot of care to measure something correctly. Check out my talk from LXJS2013 for more details: slides http://mrale.ph/talks/lxjs2013/ and video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65-RbBwZQdU

I did this with CPython and psyco. It turns out that writing map() in python was faster than the builtin C version. Because the JIT was allowed to do some tricks, like inlining the function.

The slowness of functional methods like .map and .forEach for a time was due to their not being self-hosted. Since then, both V8 and SpiderMonkey self-host them, and bz has posted some numbers below [1].

But perf problems are more numerous still for these functional methods, because compilers in general have trouble inlining closures, especially for very polymorphic callsites like calls to the callback passed in via .map or .forEach. For an account of what's going on in SpiderMonkey, I wrote an explanation about a year ago [2]. Unfortunately, the problems still persist today.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7938101 [2] http://rfrn.org/~shu/2013/03/20/two-reasons-functional-style...

Javascript. The language where you can reimplement basic functions such as map, each, reduce (which by the way are still available for objects in 2014) and have them be faster than their native counterparts.

It might be that I don't particularly like the language. but it's kind of frightening that we're building the world on that stuff.

An alternative interpretation might be - JavaScript, the high level language language that's so awesome that it can out perform native code*

* as long as you make it do less work

Why isn't the native version doing less work? Isn't that what you expect from a language design, that the native version will be as close to optimal as possible in the first place?

Did you read the article? These functions are not 100% equivalent.

Fair enough. Why doesn't the title of the post say so then? "Faster incomplete versions of Javascript native functions" would have been a better summary.

Or even discuss the fact that if this library is good enough for people to use then maybe the edge cases that the native versions are covering might not be so useful after all?

The native versions have to/should 100% support the language spec and historical behavior. In this instance, it means they can't optimize much that iterates over a sparse array.

That's not really fair, the author of this implementation is non-complainant with the spec by dropping edge cases in order to achieve these improvements.

The number of uses we put Javascript to is indeed frightening, given its "fragile" nature and heavy criticism it attracts every now and then.

There is a great, amusing, borderline sci-fi talk by Gary Bernhardt about the future of Javascript and traditional languages compiled to Javascript. My recommendations: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death...

A lot of it has to do with crossing boundaries between C++ and the JIT'd code and losing things like inlining. Doesn't really have to do with JS warts.

This would likely get even faster if you manually specialized a map/forEach/etc for each caller, but then you might as well just write the loop out by hand: http://rfrn.org/~shu/2013/03/20/two-reasons-functional-style...

Pfft. It's not as bad as you imagine.

I'm a bit concerned about this...

On one hand, I'm a big proponent of "know your tools". I'll gladly use a fast sort function that falls apart when sorting arrays near UINT32_MAX size if I'm aware of that caveat ahead of time and I use it only in domains where the size of the array is logically limited to something much less than that, for example.

But on the other hand, I write operating system code in C. I need to know that the library functions I call are going to protect me against edge cases so I don't inadvertently introduce security holes or attack vectors.

If I know that some JS I'm interacting with is using fast.js, maybe there will be some input I can craft in order to force the system into a 1% edge case.

The lesson here is probably "don't use this for your shopping cart", but we need to be careful deriding Javascript's builtins for being slow when really they're just being safe.

This is actually unlikely to be a problem. The edge cases ignored here are actually the same as those ignored by underscore.js, which is obviously a very popular library.

I agree that it's unlikely to be a problem...until your site gets popular and a .01% corner case becomes a weekly occurrence or until someone sees that you're using fast and exploits an attack vector.

it's not that kind of edge case. It simply means that some very uncommon constructs are not supported. If you never use those constructs, which basically nobody does, then it will never fail. (and in fact the failure mode is pretty soft and unlikely to crash your application). If your code worked with this once, it will always work.

lodash is the fast one that pioneered this, underscore for the longest time fell back to slow native ones.

At least a list of the corners that are cut here would be nice.

And a solid suite of unit tests. The current set looks very light.

I think by all means use this for a shopping cart - it's namespaced by require (say under 'fast' as in the README) - you are, for all intents and purposes, calling just some library which just happens to reimplement JS builtins as its mode of operation.

It may even be _easier_ to determine the behaviour of these functions than builtins, since determining how fast works just means reading its source whereas to determine builtins' behaviour you must read the ECMAScript specification and then hope[1] that the browser actually matches it perfectly!

[1]: or read the JS engine source, but that's a whole lot more work. :P

I'm not sold that this will provide any user-measurable increase in performance. If you are sold by some personal app benchmark, there is a good chance you are writing too much client side JS. And what is to say of other dependencies like jQuery, Bootstrap, Knockout, Angular, etc that do NOT use fast.js under the hood? It seems that the only real "win" I get is a fast "map" command, which, IFAIK, has NEVER been the problem of writing good software.

Now, if fast.js made sure we had the correct requirements, no distractions, clear milestones, and a dedicated team with no turn over, I'd import it in a second.

I... don't write any client side JS[1]. I'm also not necessarily 'sold' by the benchmark.

I just take objection to the perspective given by the parent post on the _safety_ situation surrounding this library.

[1]: ... not recently, anyway.

If you find any library anywhere that provides all of those things please do let me know.

A while back I was programming for a naive but well-written JS interpreter for set top box apps, where map was generally being avoided because of performance.

I wrote quite a fast "map" (along with the others) that looked a bit like:

  exports.map = function fastMap (subject, fn, thisContext) {
    var i = subject.length,
        result = new Array(i);
    if (thisContext) {
      while (i--) {
        result[i] = fn.call(thisContext, subject[i], i, subject);
    } else {
      while (i--) {
        result[i] = fn(subject[i], i, subject);
    return result;
I'm not sure if I just used "result = []", but on modern browsers I think that'd be recommended. But yeah, if you're programming for a web browser then using another impl of map is probably going to be a waste of time.

Some V8 people here ? how can a JS re-implementation be faster than the native implementation of a function ?

author of the library here. The native implementations have to follow the spec exactly, which means that they have to guard against specific edge cases. The reimplementations in fast.js do not follow the spec exactly, they optimise for 99.9% of use cases and totally ignore the 0.1%. This, combined with the fact that the JS is JITed straight into machine code anyway gives fast.js a significant advantage - it does less work and so is faster.

Do you have documentation on the differences in behavior?

This is mentioned in the readme: https://github.com/codemix/fast.js#how

The two functions do not necessarily work the same way - the native implementation handles edge cases that the fast version drops.

From TFA:

    native functions often have to cover complicated edge cases from the ECMAScript specification [...] By optimising for the 99% use case, fast.js methods can be up to 5x faster than their native equivalents.

>Some V8 people here ? how can a JS re-implementation be faster than the native implementation of a function ?

They say some in their readme. Because the native versions have some extra baggage (sparse array checks, etc).

But to answer in general:

1) JS functions also get compiled to native code for often used code paths. That's what the JIT does after all.

2) A JS function might use a better algorithm compared to a native function.

3) Native is not some magic spell that is always speedier than non-native. Native code can also be slow if it carries too much baggage.

'Native' in V8 also does not always mean 'implemented in C++'. The readme mentions `Array#forEach`. This is the V8 implementation:


Which makes it more a 're-imagining' than a re-implementation, but still useful in the vast majority of cases, of course.

By being naive implementations that don't follow the ECMAScript standard.

It's explained on linked page under 'How?' section.

They're non compliant - it's a meaningless comparison as the two implementations do different things.

It's not meaningless, they're just demonstrating how using the library may be more efficient in "99%" of cases. It's not mean to be a competition :)

Nothing "meaningless" about it.

It's not like they do apples and oranges.

They do slightly different varieties of apples -- ignore some BS edge cases that few ever use in the real world.

If I rewrite project X into X v2 and throw away 2-3 seldom used features in the process, it doesn't mean that comparing v1 and v2 is meaningless. You compare for what people actually use it for -- the main use cases. Not for everything nobody cares about.

Developers use forEach to apply a function to every element in an array. That is the main use case.

This faster version fails on some arrays (any array that isn't contiguous). This is a bug, not a feature. The library user is now responsible for checking that the array is contiguous before using the faster function.

Is it documented somewhere whether array returning/manipulating functions cause non-contiguity?

>This faster version fails on some arrays (any array that isn't contiguous). This is a bug, not a feature.

I'd argue it's actually a future.

For one, it's not forEach for one. It doesn't mask the native implementation. It exists in its own namespace.

Second, it's not like forEach doesn't have its own problems. Like not being backwards compatible to older browsers without shims.

Third, nobody (or very very small values of "somebody") use non contiguous arrays with forEach.

The speed is a great feature, especially if you don't sacrifice anything to achieve it.

>The library user is now responsible for checking that the array is contiguous before using the faster function.

The library user already knows if he is using contiguous arrays or not. After all, it can fuck him over in tons of other cases, even a simple for loop, or a length check, if he treats one like the other. So it's not like he doesn't already have to be vigilant about it.

if you've ever written a for loop like this, you'd see the exact same issue.

    for (i = 0, total = arr.length; i < total; i++) {
      item = arr[i];
This will also iterate over gaps in the array. Is this a bug?

From a computer science perspective it is formally 'meaningless' because the performance improvement was made by changing the requirements, not by a novel algorithm or data structure. This is always possible, but it ignores the original constraints of the problem and hence doesn't shed any additional meaning on how to solve the original problem.

From a programmer perspective, that might not change the fact that it's useful. It has 'meaning' to the programmer in that it helps us solve a particular problem. Typically, app programmers are not as concerned with how the problem was solved.

I like the library, but to avoid this kind of criticism, don't call it a reimplementation. Call it what it is, an alternative library of functions.

>From a computer science perspective it is formally 'meaningless' because the performance improvement was made by changing the requirements, not by a novel algorithm or data structure.

I've studied computer science and I don't recall seing any such "formal" definition of meaninglessness.

Nothing in computer science tells you you have to have the exact same behavior in 2 APIs in order to measure some common subset of functionality. You can always restrict your measuremnts to that. Computer science is not that concerned with APIs anyway.

So you can use very formal computer science to compare the performance in big-O of X vs Y implementation of the common supported cases (namely, contiguous arrays).

>This is always possible, but it ignores the original constraints of the problem and hence doesn't shed any additional meaning on how to solve the original problem.

There's no "original" problem that one has to take wholesale. There are use cases, and some care about X, others about Y.

Scientific papers in CS compare implementations of things like filesystems, memory managers, garbage collectors etc ALL THE TIME, despite them not having the same API and one having some more or less features. They just measure what they want to measure (e.g performance of X characteristic) and ignore the others.

Why would it be meaningless? The comparison shows that fast.js works for what it was intended to do, it's doing stuff faster than it's native counterparts.

To say the comparison is meaningless is a little unfair.

Generally yes, the results are not expected to be 100% equivalent as these routines do not produce the same results for some inputs.

But as the range of inputs for which the results are expected to be the same is defined, the comparison is meaningful within those bounds (which covers quite a lot of the cases those functions will be thrown at).

I'm interested in what those edge cases are, to say it works in 99% of the cases but provide no caveats makes me think that I might be surprised by something if I use it.

As well as the example of "sparse arrays" shown in the README, there are some additional slight gotchas around `.bind()`, e.g. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...

These fall outside of the common uses of these methods, and most people don't even know they exist.

I think this shows that standards bodies could implement less native language functionality and let community-made libraries/tools compete for those areas. ES6 goes so far as to implement a native module system, seriously calling into question any effort by the community at large to implement a competing system (e.g. browserify, requirejs).

micro-benchmarks are the root of all evil

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65-RbBwZQdU Vyacheslav Egorov - LXJS 2013 talk

i don't know if he actually said these word, but it was the overall theme of this (very entertaining and very enlightening) talk.

> there is essentially no performance difference between native functions and their JavaScript equivalents

> native functions often have to cover complicated edge cases from the ECMAScript specification, which put them at a performance disadvantage.

Aren't these opposing statements?

no, but I could probably have worded it better. What I mean to say is that if you do this in JS:

   function add (a, b) {
     return a + b;
and this in C:

  int add(int a,int b)
     return a + b;
you're going to get essentially the same performance.

The latter sentence you quoted refers to the specific builtin functions that fast.js re-implements. So we first get close to native performance in JS, then we beat the builtin functions by doing less work overall.

gotcha, thanks for the clarification

Can you provide benchmarks against Lo-Dash?

I think the forEach issue is a bad example, and something that could (and arguably should) be handled by the native implementation. The reason they get faster execution here is by breaking the spec.

A native implementation could have a single flag associated with the array recording whether it is sparse, and use the more efficient code path given here in the common space where it's non-sparse.

The point I took away from that one example was: The native functions have to deal with lots of edge cases, which causes them to be slower. By implementing similar functions which, per their spec, do not handle those edge cases, we can gain a significant performance improvement.

sparse arrays are just one edge case that the native implementation must consider, see this comment - https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6697#issuecomme...

It would have been nice though if they would have documented exactly which edge cases they're neglecting.

I wonder which projects does actually need that.

Hey I'm not bashing here, I thing it's kind cool for learning purposes attempts to do such thing, but I truly wonder if there is an actual production need for such thing.

Game engines, anything that needs to do cycles at a high rate (rendering, algorithms, etc)

No mention of relative memory usage though. I've been bitten by this kind of thing too many times in node in the past to not wonder about it here. Especially for such core functions.

First time I meet fast.js, I think it's running fast. When I read introduction I was wrong, it just write fast... I hope one day js run in phone is really FAST.

I make a big mistake, next time I will read more carefully.

Submitted a pull-request that does decrementing iterations which in some browsers / engines can give an increase in performance due to less instruction.

Looks like John-David Dalton has some work cut out for him!

From what I remember, a primary reason Lodash was created as a fork of underscore was to address the "solution" that fastjs provides - underscore had problems with edge cases like sparse arrays, so lodash was created as a spec-compliant alternative. http://stackoverflow.com/a/13898916/1869609

Only in marketing buzz, and only if he cares.

lodash is as fast as fast: see the JSPerf results posted elsewhere. John manages lodash well. He has managed it well for quite a while. Why switch to another library with no track record for little or no gain?

did you ever google for fartscroll?


this library does not overwrite any native functions or manipulate any prototypes, you have to call the fast.js versions explictly - it's opt in.

Lo-Dash acts exactly the same way.

> In fact, native functions often have to cover complicated edge cases from the ECMAScript specification, which put them at a performance disadvantage.

What. Is. This. I don’t even.

So if you simplify the implementation, it gets faster but more fragile. Why is that confusing?

If you simplify the specification, a proper implementation gets faster with no downside.

Why can't we build software on simpler platforms with better implementations?

Doing something complex on a simple platform requires complex code. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_tarpit Having a more complex platform can make things a lot easier for the programmer.

Simplicity never meant easy. Doing something complex on a simple platform may as well use simple constructs and benefit from no edge cases.

For example, Haskell provides only a handful of constructs but allows the developer to build sophisticated systems.

Though I agree complex platforms are not necessarily complicated.

You programmed before? Implementations dont get simpler just because you wish them to.

Why the ad hominem?

I can make the implementation simpler if the underlying specification is simpler. If a language is full of edge cases, it was not designed carefully. If there exists a significantly faster implementation in a significantly slower language that covers 99% of the specification, I'd look for opportunities to simplify.

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