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Find your public IP address from the command line (curlmyip.com)
15 points by sheetjs on June 24, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I like the extra detail from

      curl ipinfo.io
particularly if using Tor or a VPN, but

      dig +short myip.opendns.com @
is usually quicker than anything curl / wget based, as it doesn't use http. You can substitute `host` if `dig` isn't available.

There is also http://ifconfig.me

Woah this is even more intense!

http://ifconfig.me/host for the hostname is a great option I wished curlmyip.com had

These are my favorites, because they seem less likely to disappear in the future:



wtfismyip.com/text is the only one I can ever remember when I am on a terminal. For some reason it sticks in my head.

prefixing with ipv6 or ipv4 works nicely too.

Bah, no IPv6 :(

You only need that if you are behind a NAT and on IPv6 there is no NAT. Simply use ifconfig.

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