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Are you sure about the book title? That one is a guide to post ww2 combat whereas this one:

The Complete Wargames Handbook


Is about how to make computer war games.

This one: http://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Fourth-Edition-Comprehensive/...

Called "How to Make War" and it describes the mechanics, the theory, and the variables that impact the prosecution of warfare. The Wargames book was, in my opinion of course, a derivative which attempted to re-contextualize the information from HtMW into something more directly 'wargame like' but, again in my opinion, it left out too much to be useful even for that.

The Wargames book predates htmw by 10 years so htmw is the recontextualisation but thanks because the reviews on it don't really relatw to gaming.

I just bought it so I'll see for myself. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

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