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>That pretty much defines 'art' I think. The artist is compelled to see the vision through, it isn't about the money or the time or the cost. I am quite impressed he stuck it through.


>I love that Adam stuck with it and got it done. Very inspiring.

I agree, and I also like how Adam was realistic in describing the burden of seeing the project through completion as an albatross.

There are several side projects I work on that I've never been able to finish, but I don't feel the psychological burden of them. It's hard to know if that means I'm just not committing hard enough to completing side projects, or I'm appropriately moving on at the right time. Either way, maybe one reason I don't feel like there's much 'artistry' to my output is that I'm not willing to take on that heavy of a burden.

Just food for though. Inspiring stuff. I found the PuzzleSolver program included in the download just as interesting as the game, btw.

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