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Were later versions of MMF somehow not backwards-compatible?

No idea; a quick Google tells me there were some compatibility issues



I work on Gang Garrison 2, a game still actively developed which is also reliant on a dead game creation tool (Game Maker 8.0), so this is sadly familiar.

Do you know what happened to the project to redo GG2 in Python?

It got abandoned after a bit. Nobody is willing to do the work needed to "finish" it.

Considered a ground-up rewrite using something like Unity? They have some kickass 2D tooling now, plus you get physics for free

Unity is closed-source; I'll bet in ten years we'll see the same thing happening again, with people trying desperately to find some way to run these old games that were developed on the no-longer-supported Unity platform.

Dunno, I'd say Unity has enough traction behind it to not suddenly disappear. It's a major contender now.

Developers write their own code in unity (C# or JS) as well as bringing in their own assets (music, art, etc). So even if the unity engine disappears, authors will be able to release their work in a meaningful fashion.

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