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I think it is fantastic that Mozilla is getting funding.

That being said I have some reservations about browser maker in bed with news organization. While I perceive no immediate danger, I guess I feel platform should be independent of propaganda.

Mozilla has never been just a browser maker. We exist to make the Web better for people, and browsers are one of the products we build to do that. We also build other products and do other things that make the Web better for the world. This program, as part of the Mozilla+Knight OpenNews initiative, is a good example of how we are more than a browser maker.

Sure. I use Thunderbird as well and love it and I am aware you are involved with other projects.

But....no matter what else you do, you are a browser maker. And, I have some reservations about your involvement with news organizations that are sometimes used to push governmental (or other) positions. The concerns are not large, (after all the same type of concerns could exist with Google involvement). Nor is it necessarily my decision and I'll probably continue to use Firefox up to the point it welcomes me with "Hello Citizen...for your protection your surfing habits and posting opinions will be reported to the Ministry of Attitudinal Correction".

I'm just pointing out a potential conflict and minor concern. Hopefully it does not grow larger.

What is great about this is better diversity in their funding.

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