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How to Build Sinatra on Rails 3 (yehudakatz.com)
41 points by mbrubeck on Aug 27, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Not to be snarky, but the fact that it has become straightforward to build Sinatra as an extension to Rails is one of the things I don't like about Rails.

The article just seems to be putting Rails 3 design improvements to the test. Personally, I am pretty impressed at how easy it is to swap out Routes/ActionController::Base if you need something leaner or just a completely different approach to routing requests. Remember when we were all banging our heads against a wall with Struts? What's not to like?

You're right, of course, I just think it's ironic that he'd use Sinatra as an example, because Sinatra is what people run to when they get freaked out by Rails complexity.

Or they don't need a framework as robust as Rails for a simple application

What's ironic is that the post is meant to appeal to those who always have another "one of the things I don't like about Rails." So your pithy-dig response is just perfect.

Yehuda is nicely filling the void left by Jamis Buck after he stopped blogging about Ruby/Rails.

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