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You're telling the, at most 9% of the rest of us how useless it is. I just don't think it really contributes anything.

By that logic, all of the linux zealots out there should stop encouraging people to use linux since all the linux people already use it.

Is that about right?

We're telling the other 9% "Hey, guys, learn from our mistakes! Have a nice day!".

This would only be correct if Linux users made up 91% of the computing world.

It's like if there were articles still posted about how people should get a monitor which displays at a higher resolution than 800x600.

I guess 91% of us are saying "Don't sweat the small stuff such as a degree". However, I wish unlearning the college stuff would have been as easier as a switch to linux :)

I wish getting the money that I spent back would have been as easy as switching to linux.


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