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It depends tho. We've seen from other folks that unit sales drop off a cliff from those top spots on down. Which means that they're making $20,000 a week or so for the time they are at #2.

That's only a $1M a year or so (before Apple gets their cut). Which is obviously good money, but it's not a huge win by any means (It's less than your average hedge fund manager makes). That's before you divvy it up among your team.

It's also unlikely they'll see that full amount, as some other app is going to come along and displace them eventually. So your dealing with movie economics here: You have to make all of your money in a month or so. Something along those lines anyways. Given the way the app-store functions, building a sustainable income stream seems rather unlikely. Certainly not at those numbers.

I guess I'm actually a bit shocked by how low those numbers are. I guess it's really an indication of how difficult it is when your forced to price apps at a sub $1 price point.

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