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A pointer to how would be useful...

go to about:config, set places.frecency.unvisitedBookmarkBonus and places.frecency.unvisitedTypedBonus to 0. Then use private browsing when you visit those "secret" links.

I don't have any secrets in my bookmarks, but I'd like the awesomebar to be turned off (i.e. just get simple url-completion.)

Thanks for the tips!

or go to about:config and set browser.urlbar.richResults to false.

Is that a preference that I need to add, or did you mean browser.urlbar.maxRichResults?

No, setting maxRichResults to 0 totally breaks the bar (no completion at all when typing.)

No, maxRichResults and richResults are separate preferences. See also:




Thanks for the links and clarification.

The page on browser.urlbar.richResults says: "Has an effect in * Mozilla Firefox (nightly builds from 2007-11-29 to 2007-12-17)"

So I guess you need to do what it says under "Background" to get rid of the awesome bar: "If you’d like to disable the improved Location Bar dropdown in a version of Firefox without this preference, try the oldbar extension."

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