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I guess it doesn't matter that whatever weird font they're using is completely unreadable on Windows.

The colour choice is what makes it really unreadable, the font isn't that bad.

Looks fine to me on Vista. It is just Georgia. Unless you have Fertigo installed.

Ugly and difficult to read in Win 7 in both Opera, Firefox, Chrome and IE8. It's especially unreadable in Opera and Firefox, especially in the shaded Note bits where half the font pixels appear to be missing.

Looks like a combination of suboptimal AA and an incredibly poor font colour choice which massively reduces the contrast, which is made even worse when the background is shaded in the Note bits.

It's light grey on a lighter grey background. It's an appalling colour choice.

The site uses uses @font-face to download Fertigo. You do not need it installed.

Works fine here. Firefox 3, XP.

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