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The new way to find clients is by following the below principles ...........

1.Start a blog

2a.Write the content which showcases your expertise

2b.Identify pain points and share your expertise in those areas

2c.publish the interviews of various persons who are (experts / kind of popular ) in the area in which you are doing consulting.(or) any good content which will of interest to target audience.

2d.in above way you will be building the audience and trust.and people will referring you to their friends if any need arises.

3.Make sure your content is very good/remarkable so that people can share..........

4.As your content spreads you will be known to many people and inturn they will ask you /your company to help on their project.

5.And also develop tools which will be helpfull to target audience.( A good tool spreads like any thing which inturns spreads your company name)

6.Participate actively in various online groups (related to the area in which you are doing consulting) .

you will be suprised when people are contacting you...........

7.Keep an eye on SEO as search engines are driving huge traffic to sites.(good landing page, blog will help in improving the SEO)

8.Adwords (spend some amount on adwords for good targeted keywords to attract diverse audience)

The above is popular referred to as inbound marketing (i.e you will not shout/beg at your prospects for getting leads inturn prospects are coming to.........:))

Important blogs to follow:




Important book to read The New Rules of Marketing and PR (awesome and excellent) http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/books.htm

A lot of the above seem quite passive to me.

Agreed. You (or a salesperson) needs to be shaking hands.

Are there brokers who specialize in matching clients and customers in the $50k-$500k web space? Any in NY in particular?

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