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OpenCoffee Club - regular meeting places where entrepreneurs can meet with investors and other entrepreneurs in an informal setting (localglobe.blogspot.com)
6 points by danw on Feb 23, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

It sounds like a good idea. I'd love to be part of a OpenCoffee Club over here. I wonder if there will be any interest in starting one over here in Silicon Valley... :P

Has anyone heard of or used Zoodango.com, founded by James Sun? This reminded of that in that Zoodango attempts to connect professionals through real meetings (usually through, say, Starbucks).

I was just talking with somebody a couple weeks ago about something very similar to this. Maybe this could be mixed with an idea like coworking (http://coworking.pbwiki.com/)

This is a really cool idea...too bad it's over across the pond. There any gatherings like this in, say, the Boston area?

Well you could always just start your own! The idea is you can set up an open coffee anywhere and just tell everyone in your local community.

If you want one in Boston just pick a place/time and tell people. Apparently there might be a few YC companies in the Boston area you could invite..

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