Background: I am a junior level software developer. I have a minor in Computer Science and have taught myself web technology platforms. I have a heavy work experience in research, development, and engineering prototype medical devices. However, I've realized my passion is mostly in software after having to use C to program a single board computer for DNA reading.
In order to teach myself the latest web technologies, I created as a project to understand, learn, and implement a website with an MVC (Ruby on Rails) framework backend that uses a RESTful API to communicate to an MVP (Backbone.js) framework frontend. The web application is of a single-page type.
Stack: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Backbone, SQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, C, C++, Intel Assembly
Background: I am a junior level software developer. I have a minor in Computer Science and have taught myself web technology platforms. I have a heavy work experience in research, development, and engineering prototype medical devices. However, I've realized my passion is mostly in software after having to use C to program a single board computer for DNA reading.
In order to teach myself the latest web technologies, I created as a project to understand, learn, and implement a website with an MVC (Ruby on Rails) framework backend that uses a RESTful API to communicate to an MVP (Backbone.js) framework frontend. The web application is of a single-page type.