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> Amazon is out quite a bit of product and a lot of trust from me.

The product is still a drop in the bucket for Amazon. Hopefully some of you actions will trigger their fraud protection dept. to blacklist the address or maybe they think it's not worthwhile blacklisting a whole address with multiple suites for a tiny amount. Anyway, I don't think it's reason enough to lose trust in Amazon. As long as they got the honest customer covered, it's OK to lose some when you are running a business of Amazon's scale.

As @sdrinf mentioned, it's social engineering at play. Maybe they can raise the bar to placing phone orders/replacements. Or maybe they think, they'll lose more business by adding a teeny hurdle than gain on fraud recovery.

A times B times C equals X. If X is less than... we don't care kind of thing (Fight Club recall reference)

Amazon might not even loose money from this at all. It is common for retailers to charge these costs back to the supplier.

This is a logistics issue: shipping to an unverified address before receiving back the original product. Amazon should be solely responsible for it.

Amazon almost certainly has many customers using shipping forwarders. In Central America, I see banks advertising cards with a US shipping-forwarding address, specifically to buy from Amazon.

Amazon would have to be taking in huge amounts of losses due to fraud to consider killing off all these customers.

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