I'm not entirely sure what you mean — that Google openly and transparently tracks user behaviors so that they can make money on targeted advertising?
If you try to compare the two companies, I'd say the difference is that Apple charges you a premium for their devices (thus making money), while Google gathers data about you so that it can be sold to advertisers (thus making money). Theoretically, each company could do both, but recently Apple started differentiating itself by actually emphasizing privacy and limiting access to data about users, in many places.
I suspect OP is comparing the way the companies embrace technology. Google has been an big proponent of the open web and of supporting the same standards as everybody else. Apple has been pretty single-mindedly focused on being proprietary whenever possible. (They support open standards on the web, but the rest of their platform is only inner-operable with itself.)
I'm not entirely sure what you mean — that Google openly and transparently tracks user behaviors so that they can make money on targeted advertising?
If you try to compare the two companies, I'd say the difference is that Apple charges you a premium for their devices (thus making money), while Google gathers data about you so that it can be sold to advertisers (thus making money). Theoretically, each company could do both, but recently Apple started differentiating itself by actually emphasizing privacy and limiting access to data about users, in many places.
I do agree that it will be interesting, though.