You should add some screenshots so people can at least see what you're trying to sell. That's one of the first things I look for with anything like this so I can get a feel for what's being offered.
Otherwise maybe it's prematurely on HN if you wanted to get best value for hitting the front page?
Definitely needs screenshots. It's nice to say that you can "manage your pages clearly in tree structure" but I'd like to see what it looks like without trying.
Also, it definitely needs an "About" page. Who are you people?
Just put a link to this on your landing page. Honestly, I am rarely interested in what the creator of a product wants to tell me about it. I just want a brief description of what it is and why I might want to use it, and pictures. A demo is better again, bit I want to see your product, not read about it.
Well the problem now is that you've got your publicity before you were ready for it. Now when you do have a demo, your publicity has already been and gone.
I like the landing page. It looks good. But without a demo, you're already just-another-startup.
When I'm forced to put things into wikis or content management systems, I usually edit text in my favourite text editor (via the "It's all Text" extension or similar). Unfortunately the javascript-based editor in this wiki is too clever for that extension to work. Fortunately a dance involving Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c, edit elsewhere and copy back, and Ctrl-v does work. So I guess I wouldn't find it too annoying if I had to use this thing :-). Direct access to the git repository would be nice though.
You're right, same with edit-with-emacs on chrome. Shame, the editor looks nice but I definitely wouldn't want to give up my own editor functions for it.
Now if this was tied to something like a personal Github page I could then just push my changes within my own text editor and shell. Now that would be nice.
Torchpad is based on Git. You can track any changes. In the future, Torchpad allows you to download the git repository for backup.
It's either in the future or it's in the present. I know it's marketing speak but if you want to appeal to the large number of people who are pedants of the English language it would be better to use one tense throughout
Otherwise, nice concept! Look forward to taking it for a test run
Thanks for great product. this is exactly what i've been looking for.
but when i use chinese or korean words, last character always disappear. maybe you didnt consider 2-byte words.
check it, plz
This or git clone + open source is pretty critical. I want to recommend this to my company, but I can't rely on the longevity of a fresh-out-the-gate startup for storing crucial enterprise knowledge.
That's a +1 from me, I'd love an open-source version for self-hosting. I'd additionally be happy to pay for the "licence to self host" or something silly like that as long as I can see the code somehow (which is a big deal for me).