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NoSQL East : A conference of non-relational data stores (nosqleast.com)
33 points by logicalstack on Aug 25, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Heck, this should've been linked to just as an example of amazing web design.

Typing in "commands" is somewhat buggy however. Still... freaking awesome design.

That kind of interface is one of those things I've always thought would be awesome but never bothered to try out, and haven't seen in action until now.

It was a weird interaction between my JS code and Amiando's JS code. It's fixed now.

Where can we get this code?

This is it: http://nosqleast.com/nosql.js

Not much to it, really.

Very nice interface design :)

Which non-relational database is powering the NoSQL East website? :)

Love the UI...very cool. I was hoping to find some Zork commands in there.

At the moment, none. If we needed one, I have a feeling we would have picked CouchDB...

You ought to have a session on FluidDB. :-)

I'll be there, man.

Sweet finally some good hacker madness in the ATL!

Don't forget PyCon next year (http://us.pycon.org/)!

> select fun, profit from real_world where relational=false ;

Shouldn't it be RealWorld.objects.filter(relational = False).values('fun', 'profit')

cool, I hope to be there.

I think its amusing the tag-line is:

"select fun, profit from real_world where relational=false ;"

This is SQL structure. A problem with NoSQL is we need to communicate queries in a language we all know. Even if you're a SQL noob, you still describe examples in a SQL-like syntax.

This movement should really be about alternate-RDB or schema-free-db. Its not really about no-sql.

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