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So, what you're saying is that since it's open source.... I should publish a version myself and see if the school is ballsy enough to try to bluff a random company in a random part of the USA?

There is nothing they could do, even in their own country. No laws have been violated here.

(maybe we should all publish the app to prove the point)

They'd probably still harass the student, as the original author. I don't think you'd be doing him any favors.

Fair point.

It boils my blood to see a school administration so blatantly and wrongly take advantage of a student that they claim to be educating and preparing for the future. If anything, the administration should be in full support of the OP. If the OP can tolerate the pushback, and there is nothing in his school's policies forbidding, he should pursue the app. Let the administration spin their wheels. They can't sue him. And if they tried, they would lose. It's just absurd.

you think the university board wouldn't appeal to a good argument? possible they are bluffing, but if they get the right response they may shut up.

i find it hard to believe they would be spiteful, but maybe i am being too optimistic.

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